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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Trump's Sons Kill a Triceratops on Hunting Safari - Liberals Believe, And They're Very Upset


  1. they can't be that stupid

  2. the girl in the purple can believe whatever she wants

    1. She can come to your house to live, 1:18.

    2. Amen to that!!!

  3. This was awesome! Too funny and also too sad. Are people totally clueless and brain dead? How can you not hear the word pterodactyl and have it dawn on you that is an extinct dinosaur? Or Woolly Mammoth? Although, that is California that Mr. Dice was talking to - home of Mad Maxine Waters and Ditzy Nancy Pelosi so it kind of makes sense. Classic!

  4. They are all concerned for an animal that doesn't exist yet they are all on board for killing an unborn child.

  5. Triceratops' horns were ground into powder that, when sprinkled on Electoral College members' food or added to beverages, gave them greater mental clarity in the 2016 election.
    (For those who would raid the Natural History Museum for a sample, don't bother, because it has to be fresh.)

  6. 1:40,
    that was a hoot!

  7. What is really sad is that these idiots are allowed to vote.

  8. These people are spending way too much time in the holodeck and on Twitter.

  9. This reminds me of when The Man Show set up a stand to "End Women's Suffrage". You can imagine how that went. Stupidity knows no color, sex or political party. They're everywhere!

  10. I feel so stupid.
    If you had asked me earlier about Triceratops, I would have said they're extinct.

    That's what I love about this blog!

  11. They are also upset about the state of the union address and commented on it and it hasn't happened yet. So gullible.

  12. remember this is Maryland,you will have to get the endangered specie stamp as well as a regular hunting license to hunt these creatures with a liberal bag limit of 1 per day under 6000 lbs with only on allowed over 6000lbs per season......lol

    Big Mike

    1. Hey Mike, they said he killed them in Africa...not Maryland. Wouldn’t need a Maryland license in Africa. But, good attempt at humor.

  13. So so sad. These are voters. This is one of many reasons our country is in the mess it's in. They need to take the blinders off. They heard the question but have so much hate for the Trump family they wouldn't know truth if it hit them in the face. Just shows the power of the press and their hate Trump agenda. Sadly it work's. Until the blinder's come off this type of nonsense will continue on.

  14. The libs are proving their stupidity.

  15. Must we roll out the truckloads of false internet stories about Obama that you vlowns continue to believe?


  16. 4:51, Thanks for the research and info. Thought I'd have to go out of state in order to bag one. Having a wall reinforced for when the mount gets back from Flintstone Taxidermy. Been advised to wait until after the hunt but I'm optimistic, and it's slow season for contractors.

  17. How many shots did it take from that tiny rifle?

  18. I think I'll build a wall around my house !! Don't want to live around these young dumb millenniums !#@$&!!!


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