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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Trump: U.S. Should Execute Major Drug Dealers

Inspired by Singapore's policy of executing drug traffickers, President Trump is said to relish the idea of putting major dealers to death - who he is said to compare to serial killers, Axios reports.

"He says that a lot," said a source who's spoken to Trump at length about the subject. "He says, 'When I ask the prime minister of Singapore do they have a drug problem [the prime minister replies,] 'No. Death penalty'."

According to five sources who have spoken with Trump on the subject, it's no joke to the President - who says that a softer approach to drug reform where you show sympathy to the offenders "will never work."



  1. Now that's a deterrent.

  2. once again I'm on Mr Trumps side

  3. @10:04
    No, lets reward him by putting him/her in jail with 3 square meals a day, excercise, television, etc. While his cartel is still manufacturing drugs and selling them. He still gets proceeds from the sales in prison, bribes crooked correctional officers for special favors, and is mayor of his cell block. Yeah, that makes sense instead of the Presidents idea.

  4. A one-way ticket to Singapore would do the trick. They'll screw up there, too, and once they do...

  5. 10:04
    I guess killing someone by selling the illegal drugs is not murder?

  6. Define: Major

    Then we can talk.
    Mr. Trump is a tool of the elites.
    33rd Degree

  7. 4;34,your mind lives in bizzaroland,king Soros owns the democrats.

  8. Including the CEO's and bankers that launder all that drug money would be a good thing too.


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