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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trump Is the Worst President?

On the occasion of George Washington’s birthday observation, wrongly dubbed “Presidents’ Day,” a newly released New York Times poll of so-called “presidential politics experts” ranked President Donald Trump, after just one year in office mind you, as the worst of America’s presidents. This same group of “experts,” in a laughable display of “objectivity,” ranked Barack Obama as the nation’s eighth best, up 10 spots from the 2014 poll. That raises the obvious question: Other than the fact that he is no longer president, what standards have changed to suddenly improve Obama’s ranking by 10 spots?

Actually, the real question is this: What standard of judgement were these “experts” using? It would seem they relied most heavily on their own subjective political bias. A truer and more objective guide by which to judge a president is the U.S. Constitution, specifically Article II, which delineates the duties and limits of the office. Judging from the opinions of these “experts,” it’s a good bet many of them need to reread, if not read for the first time, the Constitution..

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  1. Woodrow Wilson gave this Country the Federal Reserve Act which was never legally ratified by the States during a Christmas Holiday in 1913. This single action, doomed America to endless debt service to the international bankers who now create fiat US Dollars from nothing and collect interest on it. The details of this event were chronicled by Eustace Mullins in the important book, The Creature from Jekyll Island.

    He was said to be an idiot and a fool. It is reported that on his death bed he commented that he regretted this action.
    He was obviously a tool of the bankers who financed his campaign.

    I suggest that Mr. Wilson is in fact, by far, the worst US President in history.
    He may be one of the worst human beings to ever live on the earth.
    Shame on his memory.

  2. I believe that would be Obama, not President Trump, #MAGA

    1. Obama was crap bit not even close to this buffoon.

  3. Wilson, Carter, then Obama!

  4. Carter in our timeline!

  5. More Fake news
    Trump has done more in one year than his predecessor did in eight unless you count the destruction of American life as we knew it.

  6. I have solid proof that President Trump has ties to Russia, he has several ties he wears from Russia!.


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