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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Trey Gowdy On House Intel FISA Memo Release

Congressman Trey Gowdy dismantled a talking point circulated on social media Friday by those seeking to downplay the implications of the just-released House Intelligence Committee memo.

Though the FISA memo — compiled by House Intel chair Devin Nunes — makes clear that the infamous Steele dossier was instrumental in securing FISA warrants on former Trump adviser Carter Page, the left quickly began pointing to the memo’s final section.

The memo’s conclusion fingers former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos as the impetus for the FBI’s monitoring of Trump’s campaign, and the anti-Trump crowd argued this point washes out the rest of the memo’s implications.

Gowdy disagreed.


1 comment:

  1. Hillary Clinton picked George Papadopoulos to represent US at 2011 UNESCO in Paris
    Well isn’t this interesting. Turns out George Papadopoulos who may have worn a wire for Mueller was hand picked.So it turns out that George Papadopoulos was merely a deep state mole, hand selected by Clinton to pull off the crap he has. I wouldn’t be surprised if George Papadopoulos was one of the deep state leakers too. Now it all makes perfect sense. Don’t be surprised if Obama was in on the Papadopoulos mole too. These things are prepared years in advance, having Trump becoming POTUS, the mole from Clinton and Obama paid off.
    I don’t think Clinton or Hussein Obama planned on Donald Trump becoming a president back in 2011, this was for other future Republican presidents. George Papadopoulos needs to be investigated by Congress for his ties to Clinton and Obama. Enough is enough of this corrupt Clinton bull crap


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