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Monday, February 26, 2018

Tipster’s Warning to F.B.I. on Florida Shooting Suspect: ‘I Know He’s Going to Explode’

The warnings that law enforcement officials received about Nikolas Cruz were anything but subtle.

“I know he’s going to explode,” a woman who knew Mr. Cruz said on the F.B.I.’s tip line on Jan. 5. Her big worry was that he might resort to slipping “into a school and just shooting the place up.” Forty days later, Mr. Cruz is accused of doing just that, barging into his former high school in Parkland, Fla., and shooting 17 people to death.

Three months before the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a family friend dialed 911 to tell the Palm Beach County sheriff’s office about Mr. Cruz’s personal arsenal. “I need someone here because I’m afraid he comes back and he has a lot of weapons,” the friend said.



  1. The Broward County Sheriff is a COWARD Democrat just like his COWARD Deputies are!!!

  2. The Broward County sheriffs department was taking its lead from the FBI.
    Watch, do nothing, keep yourself safe, eat donuts.

  3. I don't believe for one second that the tip wasn't forwarded to the Miami FBI field office then forwarded on to the BSO. The proof is probably just "missing" like the FBI's Lovebirds text messages were. I believe it was forwarded and the Miami field office no doubt a democrat stronghold is covering for the democrat "we did everything we could" soon to be disgraced former sheriff.

  4. 12:21 I think you are right.

  5. She was part of the psyop


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