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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Throwing George Clooney at the issue of gun control will not work

The NRA are old-school: they show up at town hall meetings, they stuff letters and lick envelopes, they put through phone calls to Congress members, they canvas colleagues and neighbours to do the same, they get their vote out

When George Clooney announced this week that he and his wife, Amal, were donating $500,000 to the organisers of the March For Our Lives rally to be held in Washington D.C. next month (March), the usual celebrity suspects piled on. Oprah Winfrey matched George and Amal’s donation, as did Steven Spielberg. The NRA (National Rifle Association) has just been given a free round of “liberal elites” ammunition.

The March For Our Lives rally (to be held on March 24th) is being organised by the survivors of last week’s Florida school shooting. It will be demanding that U.S. Congress introduces meaningful gun control laws.

Despite the wickedness of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shootings in when 20 young school children were shot dead by a psychopath using a legally bought gun and the widespread revulsion felt through the U.S. and beyond, the Sandy Hook massacre didn’t translate into legislative change. More than one hundred gun control bills have been introduced in Congress since 2012 - none of them have passed.



  1. You know he is thier biggest useful idiot in the toolbox. He loves satan to, He married a tranny

  2. They'll throw their money at what they believe, you throw your money at what you believe. But we all know the NRA will keep throwing money at Congress. The hint of any sort of gun law reform is very profitable for them.

  3. The NRA stuffs envelopes, makes phone calls, and showers millions of dollars on our lawmakers. This article makes it sound like they are holding bake sales.

  4. "...were shot dead by a psychopath using a legally bought gun..."

    The Sandy Hook killer did not buy a gun, he used one owned by his mother.

  5. 3 2 4


    The masons will love that numerology!

    Hint: Nobody died at Sandy Hoax.


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