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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Obama DOJ’s Long History Of Politicization

The Department of Justice under former President Barack Obama has been held up by critics of President Donald Trump's White House as above reproach, untainted by the political bias some allege runs rampant in the current administration.

In light of this revisionist history, it is worth examining the numerous examples of political bias in the Obama Justice Department. Here are five examples:
Funneled Financial Crisis Settlement Money To Liberal Groups And Excluded Conservative Groups

Emails written by Obama DOJ officials, obtained by the House Judiciary Committee in October as part of an ongoing investigation, revealed the agency engaged in a systemic effort to funnel money garnered from settlements with big banks to liberal advocacy organizations.

The agency effectively skirted Congress's budgetary authority by requiring that major financial institutions donate to a group of affordable housing nonprofits and legal advocacy organizations as part of settlement agreements resulting from predatory mortgage lending practices. The investigation has thus far yielded evidence implicating the Obama DOJ in using mandatory donations to funnel roughly $1 billion in settlement money to activist groups, including The National Council of La Raza, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and the National Urban League. The list of third-party organizations were unrelated to the legal settlements, except through general claims that they would use the funds to aid the low-income Americans most severely harmed by predatory lending practices.

Another internal email exchange reveals that DOJ officials made a concerted effort to prevent the allocation of settlement funds to a conservative legal group.


1 comment:

  1. The worst part of the header is "Long History". Can you believe this crowd was in for not one, but two terms. That is a huge warning that we were headed downhill fast. Thank you President Donald J. Trump for stepping in and continuing to fight the resistance.


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