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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The FISA Memo and the Demos' Deep-State Operatives

The memo's conclusions, though at risk of being lost in all the Demo/MSM hyperbole and the clashing titan political egos, are serious and troubling.

After weeks of hyperbolic political and media speculation, President Donald Trump authorized the declassification and release of the House Intelligence Committee memo regarding abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by a handful of Barack Obama’s deep-state activists in key positions within the Department of Justice.

The FISA court was proposed by former Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1977 and signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1979. It was established to track foreign spies, but in recent year re-authorizations, counter-terrorism has often been cited as justification. Apparently in 2016, the Obama administration officials justified using it for purely political purposes.

The House memo’s conclusions, though at risk of being lost in all the Demo/MSM hyperbole and the clashing of titan political egos, are serious and troubling. They expose a corrupt and conspiratorial assault on Liberty and Rule of Law.



  1. One is President, one is not. The intelligence agency has overwhelming evidence that Russia influenced the election. That's all you need to know about that. Stop shifting the spotlight from Trump, you know he loves it on him

  2. 1:54

    Name one single thing that Russia did to influence the election.

    Funny, how these accusations about Russian influence come out in droves yet when the slightest bit of scrutiny is applied, it all seems to fade away.

  3. Other than the US Democrats writing fake news dossiers and saying they came from Russian sources and sending them out through Russian mailboxes, Russia was more in the dark than the US Citizenry was.

    But that's okay, 1:54, you've had that Russian Collusion thing pounded into your head for a full year now, so by now it MUST be true, LOL!


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