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Monday, February 19, 2018

The FBI looks like the Federal Bureau of Incompetence after ignoring warning about Florida gunman

Wasn’t there something eerily and disgracefully familiar about the news that the FBI had a highly specific warning about the murderous intentions of Nikolas Cruz, the gunman who has confessed to shooting and killing 14 students and three adults at a Florida high school Wednesday?

Doesn’t it remind you of the way that after nearly every single one of the Islamist terror attacks of the last few years – whether in America, in Britain or elsewhere – a devastating phrase soon emerges? The attacker was “known to the authorities.”

Just take the case of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombers. We learned soon afterwards that the Russian authorities handed the FBI a file on one of them, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, in 2011 detailing his links to radical Islam.

In congressional testimony, the then-director of the FBI – yes, it was our old friend Robert Mueller – also admitted that Tsarnaev had come to the attention of the FBI on two previous occasions. Worse, the FBI received two tips in 2012 regarding Tsarnaev’s links to extremists connected to a Boston mosque.

Despite all these specific warnings to the FBI, Tsarnaev and his brother went on to mount their vile attack. Three people died and hundreds were injured, including 16 who lost limbs.



  1. If you are correct,what about Wicomico county and Sussex?Will everyone be after the fact brilliant after we have a local shooting?

  2. The american people are just stupid, that it is all...

  3. I've been calling them the Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence since it came out about the 911 terrorists being reported to them by their flight instructor. All they can do is find some anti American online who says I hate America then they pounce. They set the nut up who was never even a threat before because they didn't have the means with money and bomb making materials and instructions then arrest them. Then were are supposed to congratulate them for stopping a terrorist attack. The imbeciles at the Boston FBI were told not once but twice by Russia about Tamerlan Tsarnaev and still had to release video to the public to identify them. Not one of the geniuses at the Boston office figured out the identities of the brothers until the public told them even though they had been warned. I still say it's a shame someone didn't call the FBI hotline and say Cruz was in contact with Russia on behalf of the Trump campaign and they would have busted his doors down and he would have been held for questioning.


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