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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The city of trees: China creates world's first Forest City

The city of trees: China creates world's first 'forest city' where all buildings are covered in a million plants to tackle global warming and air pollution

China is constructing the world's first forest city where all buildings are covered in plants and trees to tackle global warming and air pollution.

The Liuzhou Forest City will be home to 30,000 people once completed in a few years' time.

Offices, houses, hotels, hospitals and schools will be entirely covered by a total of 40,000 trees and 1million plants of 100 species.

They will absorb almost 10,000 tons of CO2 and 57 tons of pollutants per year and produce around 900 tons of oxygen.

The city will be built in the north of Liuzhou in the mountainous area of Guangxi, south China, in an area that covers 175 hectares along the Liujiang river.

It will connect to Liuzhou with a fast rail line and roads for electric cars.

There will be various residential areas, commercial and recreational spaces, two schools and a hospital.

Houses will have air-conditioning powered by geothermal energy and solar-panelled roofs.

The project commissioned by Liuzhou Municipality Urban Planning has been designed by architects Stefano Boeri Architetti.

The company says the plants and trees will decrease the average air temperature, create noise barriers and improve biodiversity by providing homes for birds, insects and small animals. Building begins in 2020.



  1. This kind of stuff just doesn't catch on with U.S. architects and city planners, despite its worth and beauty.

  2. They're very intelligent people.
    The U.S. can learn a lesson from them.

  3. The above commenters are naive.

    China burns outrageous amounts of coal, and even bulldoze entire mountains so smog will blow away.

    I don't want to learn anything from them about environmentalism.

  4. 11:43 AM - Acknowledge the bad behavior, but don't discount the good ideas.


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