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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Texas set to execute man who murdered his ex-girlfriend

Carol Lynn Thomas Hall knew William Rayford had spent time in prison for killing his estranged wife but defended her own relationship with him, telling relatives she believed it was her Christian duty to give the parolee a second chance.

The Dallas woman who ran Sunday school at her church became Rayford's second murder victim in an attack eerily similar to his first killing.

Rayford, 64, is now set to die Tuesday for Hall's 1999 slaying. He will be the nation's second inmate executed this year, both in Texas. Another is set for Thursday in Texas as well.



  1. Have a nice trip. Adios!

  2. Some women are so gullible and desperate for a man that they'll do very unsafe things.

  3. Other states , just send your inmates to Texas , that is a

    Good Deterant for crime !! Don't mess with Texas !!!

  4. How's that Christian duty working for you now? Wonder what went through her mind as he was killing her.


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