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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Syrians Suffering Under Regime Welcome Israeli Strikes

Syrians who are being persecuted by the Assad regime have expressed support for Saturday’s airstrikes by Israel in the embattled country, social media posts in the days since have shown.

A Twitter poll conducted by Faisal al-Qassem, a host on The Opposite Direction debate program on Al Jazeera, found that 56% of his followers, many of whom are Syrian, supported Israel over Iran.

One anonymous Syrian responded by saying that even though “no Syrian in his right mind would side with Israel against his native Syria” there are “millions of Syrians lining up with the blue devils [Israel] against the fascist sectarian [Assad] regime that has surpassed all the monsters on earth in killing Syrians.”

The Jerusalem Post cited a Syrian supporter of the opposition as saying that he hopes Israel will continue its retaliation against Iranian targets in Syria. “Everybody now, including me, is thinking that if Israel does not hit then it is afraid. One harsh hit at least,” he said. He added that he hoped to see Iran and Hezbollah “broken” by Israeli strikes.



  1. If the article wasn't so sickening,it would have been funny. What a disgusting load of lies and rank propaganda BS.

  2. So they are mind controlled?

    Why would anyone welcome cluster bombs and white phosphorus bombs in their homelands?
    Israel is not bound by any international laws or even a moral code.
    They have carte blanche from the rest of the world - they can literally do anything they want and will not ever face criticism.
    Their victim status enables the Israeli government to attack others with impunity.

  3. 6:32, Well stated.Kinda sounds like the USG too.

  4. The USG is run secretly by the Rothschild Family who created Israel and funded WWII in order to force European Jews to leave their home countries and settle in a desert.


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