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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Suspect in Colts' Edwin Jackson, Uber driver deaths previously convicted for drunk driving in California

The man suspected of driving drunk and fatally striking an Indianapolis Colts player and his Uber driver early Sunday had twice been deported and was in the country illegally, police confirmed Monday.

Police say Manuel Orrego-Savala, 37, had a blood-alcohol level nearly three times the legal limit when he hit and killed Edwin Jackson, a 26-year-old Colts linebacker, and 54-year-old Jeffrey Monroe, Jackson's Uber driver, around 4 a.m. Sunday.

Orrego-Savala is from Guatemala, according to Indiana State Police. He was first deported in 2007 and again in 2009 following arrests in San Francisco, according to a spokesperson for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE officials say Orrego-Savala has a prior conviction in California for driving under the influence.

The circumstances of his Sunday arrest emerged as the latest case to draw in politicians and activists, particularly as President Donald Trump and Congress debate immigration changes as another budget deadline looms this week.



  1. Let him stay in Pelosi or Schumer's house while he awaits his trial.

  2. This is why they can't keep dreamers here they need to get on the path to citizenship or be deported and every time they come back deport them again to the worst areas of their countries. They will get on board or not come back.

  3. Tired of hearing about this crap! Just tired. He broke the law to get here then breaks the law whiled he is here and continues to get more chances to break the law.

  4. Where is Jesse Jackson or his nitwit turd friend Sharptown and especially, where’s Black Lives Matter on this or doesn’t this black life matter?

  5. " Anonymous said...

    Where is Jesse Jackson or his nitwit turd friend Sharptown and especially, where’s Black Lives Matter on this or doesn’t this black life matter?

    February 6, 2018 at 5:43 PM"

    Black Live ONLY Matter when they can attach their racist agenda to it. They can lie all day long and claim otherwise but their actions prove that they could care less about a black getting killed unless it's racial.

  6. We have enough of our own home grown drunks so don't need another country's. Democrats don't care. This young football player's life means nothing to them. Democrats are primal and uncivilized. They will sacrifice their own child to advance their agenda. They even call themselves "nasty" and nasty they are. Nasty to the very core of their bodies.

  7. Now, if only illegals can murder a few more "important" people, we might just get somewhere. I bet they will change their opinion in a quickness. Come on illegals! We know you can do it!


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