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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Southern Poverty Law Center: Hate groups on the rise in Maryland, nationwide

The number of hate groups across the country grew in 2017 for the third year in a row, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported last week, and the legal advocacy group counted 19 in Maryland, up from 18 the year before.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, based in Montgomery, Ala., counted 954 active hate groups nationwide, a 4 percent increase from 2016.

Most of the growth occurred in neo-Nazi, anti-Muslim and black nationalist groups, the center said. It attributed the increase to white supremacists energized by the presidency of Donald Trump and black nationalist groups rising in response.

“The world allows you to spread propaganda like never before, and Trump has heightened the hate,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the center’s Intelligence Project and overseer of its yearly count of hate groups.



  1. What a joke. Sothern poverty law center is a far left liberal hate group in itself. The truth is i'm 50 yo lived in 3 different states several towns and have never in my life run into any white supremacist groups. So yes I call BS on the sothern poverty law center .

  2. I think this woman has her president mixed up.

  3. Southern Poverty Law IS a hate group. It’s what liberals do. Hate.

  4. Do they list Black Lives Matter and the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam as hate groups? Probably not. They only spread hate towards white people.

    1. The article literally says there’s been a corresponding rise in “black nationalist” groups that they list as well, you insufferable moron.

  5. Obama heightened the hate - by allowing welfare, food-stamp, housing , and other programs to be abused at taxpayer expense. The same abusing groups flout law and civility! 80% make the other 20% look bad!

  6. Exactly 5;44 i call BS on this being Trumps fault. Its obamas fault he did nothing to MAGA

  7. This is whole grain BS!!! The SPLC is the most hateful group ever organized! I was "banned" from their comments section for saying something in support of the Bundys during their trial, and when the trial ended the SPLC had to shut down the comment section altogether!

    Has anyone ever seen a KKK rally, ever?

    Antifa is out there and other haters of peace loving Patriots, but that's all I've ever seen besides some Antifa dressed up as bad actors.

  8. The true minority of the World is White and currently the most discriminated against... Jeff S. Needs to get off his hands and start doing his job.

  9. As soon as I saw the word Trump, I stopped reading.
    Everything is the Presidents fault.
    These liberals need to be treated like rabid animals.

  10. LameStream Media spewing their poo hour after hour - then one of the media darlings runs Prison shows on weekends.

    Lovely media world we live in!

  11. The biggest hate groups are the liberals and the Democrats. Just look at what they say about Republicans and Trump. If wishing the president dead (publicly and in writing) is not hate speech, what is?

  12. Yeah well, the SPLC also just listed Christina Hoff Summers as a hate person. Sommers is, get this, a very liberal feminist Democrat, no fan AT ALL of Trump. Her crime? The SPLC say's she's a "male supremacist". Mainly because she questions the economic claim that women are paid less than men because they are women.

    In other words, there is not one ounce of difference between the SPLC, and PETA at this point- their only role in life is to stir things up for funding.

  13. I'm sure one of the hate groups is the NRA.

  14. This organization is a HATE Group and NOTHING they report is Credible. period. Ignore ALL reports from them.

  15. Anything from the Southern Poverty Law center is complete BS. They are a left wing nut house

  16. Anonymous said...
    What a joke. Sothern poverty law center is a far left liberal hate group in itself. The truth is i'm 50 yo lived in 3 different states several towns and have never in my life run into any white supremacist groups. So yes I call BS on the sothern poverty law center .
    February 28, 2018 at 4:18 AM

    Your whole comment proves their point. And just because you claim you never met such a group does not mean a group does not exist. So I call BS on YOU.

  17. Has anyone ever seen a KKK rally, ever?

    Antifa is out there and other haters of peace loving Patriots, but that's all I've ever seen besides some Antifa dressed up as bad actors.
    February 28, 2018 at 7:29 AM

    UM, and what difference would that make? I would say you are stupid but someone might say that is hate speech, so I won't call you stupid.

    Ignorant however.....

  18. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure one of the hate groups is the NRA.
    February 28, 2018 at 10:14 AM

    and you would be wrong, but don't let that stop you...never has before...wingnut


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