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Monday, February 12, 2018

Scam hijacks Google Chrome browser, tries to get your personal data

Scams that hijack the world's most popular browser, Google Chrome, are making the rounds again.

It starts with a fake error message. For computer users, this is a vexing problem because the underlying malicious code locks up the browser. "The bug that it triggers is more than just an annoyance in the sense that it will render your Chrome browser unresponsive,” Jerome Segura, Lead Intelligence Analyst at Malwarebytes, told Fox News.

“In our tests, it also caused the operating system (Windows) to become unstable if we let it run for a certain amount of time,” Segura said, adding that Google is looking into the issue.

After the malicious code locks the browser, the fake warning tries to trick a user into calling a number. Then, a person posing as a company representative – from, for example, a well-known American technology company – asks for sensitive personal or financial information to fix the bogus issue.




  1. I stopped using chrome a while ago, maybe a month or two because it was acting up. Glad I did not.

  2. Had this happen to me so I shut down computer immediately and restarted it with no problems and was able to get from the locked screen.


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