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Friday, February 09, 2018

REPORT: Dem Memo Peppered With ‘Sources And Methods’ That Need To Be Redacted

Democratic lawmakers’ rebuttal memo to their Republican counterparts includes references to “sources and methods” that need to be redacted, Fox News reports.

Lawmakers of the House intelligence committee voted to declassify the Democratic memo late Monday, giving President Donald Trump five days to conduct a national security review of the document. This national security review will include a review of sources and methods which officials say must be withheld from the public for intelligence concerns.

The memo was compiled in response to its Republican counterpart who released a memo that alleges broad abuse of FISA authority by top officials in the Department of Justice and the FBI. Democratic lawmaker Adam Schiff, who played a key role in compiling the document, said he fears “political redactions” from the White House during the intelligence review.

Fox News, however, reports that information was specifically put into the document in order to force the White House’s hand and play into a narrative of obfuscation.



  1. It's getting harder and harder to offer them forgiveness. If they were family members, some of us would have already cut them out of the will or had them committed, as dangers to self or others.

  2. I'd like to see the whole mistake the dems made, personally.

  3. Obfuscation is what the 'O' in Democrat stands for, it seems.

  4. Who would have ever guessed? Democrats are garbage. There are no if's and's or but's about it. Anyone with 1/2 a brain knew they were going to try this scam. What's unfortunate are the democrat voters are themselves liars and/or brainless fools who can't put 2 and 2 together.

  5. 3:26 alot are liars but most are brainless fools.


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