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Friday, February 02, 2018

Rep. Harris Calls For Resignation of HCEA President

WASHINGTON, DC: On January 31, an Amtrak train carrying Republican lawmakers to West Virginia collided with a truck, resulted in one death and multiple injuries. Ryan Burbey, the president of the Harford County Education Association, shared a story about the accident on his Facebook page with the caption ‘Karma’. Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement calling for Mr. Burbey’s resignation:

“As a member of the Education Subcommittee on Appropriations, I am appalled by Mr. Burbey’s decision to mock yesterday’s train crash that resulted in Christopher Foley’s death. This type of toxic, blindly partisan rhetoric is counter-productive and hateful, and it has no place in our educational system. Mr. Burbey has clearly disgraced his position as president of the Harford County Education Association. Because blatant partisanship and such stunning lack of compassion have no place in public education, he should resign immediately, and owes a sincere apology to the family of Mr. Foley, the other individual who was critically injured, and to all the citizens of Harford County whose trust he violated.”


  1. Come on Dr. Harris, call Burbey what he really is....an A$$HAT!

  2. With all due respect mr Harris, requesting a resignation is childs play. Go after him aggressively, strip him of any benefits. We are long past due for accountability and the more we pussyfoot around with these communist progressives...the worse it going to get. Fire that dirtbag for conduct unbecoming! NEXT!

  3. Rep. Harris I agree with the other commenters calling for his resignation is not enough. If you have the power make SURE he is gone.

  4. Thank you for the good job you have done and continue to do Sir.

  5. Burbey will be using his rainbow flag as a protective shield.


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