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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Previously Deported Mexican Convicted of Raping 9-Year-Old Girl in Sanctuary City

An Oregon jury convicted a previously deported Mexican national of sexually assaulting a nine-year-old girl. The convicted child-rapist has a history of crimes in the U.S.

The little girl’s mother told law enforcement officials in Clackamas County last year that a man broke into their 9 and 5-year-old daughters’ bedroom. The man came through the window of their apartment at night on February 25 and sexually assaulted their daughter. Although he escaped through a window, law enforcement officials were able to find his fingerprints, KATU2 in Portland, Oregon reported.

Breitbart Texas reported that federal officers arrested 48-year-old Santiago Flores-Martinez when he was trying to cross back into Mexico in late April. The port’s Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team (A-TCET) apprehended the Mexican national at the San Ysidro port of entry.



  1. Lock up the officials in the Sanctuary City too !!!

  2. If that was my daughter her wouldn't make it to prison or Mexico!

  3. Happened in NJ too and democrat Cory booker didn't have a word to say about it. Ran his mouth real good about the supposed s hole comment the President made but not a word about the brutal rape of a little girl. That because the brutal rape of a child is perfectly acceptable to democrats. They can lie and claim otherwise but their actions prove that they approve of children being raped.

  4. His next deportation should involve him in a body bag, wearing a toe tag!

  5. I wonder if any of those sanctuary fools are having any second thoughts? I bet the parents of that little girl are.

  6. Is it me or do men raised south of our border seem to focus on little girls and booze?

  7. I'd love to that a dump in this illegals open mouth...Ray...

  8. 230
    It is just you.
    And the Yoos.


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