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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Politicians, Cannot Understand What A Successful Business Person Can Truly Do For America

Just keep voting for catch phrase Liberals who talk the talk and cannot walk the walk. This is the greatest President this country has seen in many decades. It's no wonder so many past Liberal and Republican Presidents can't stand Donald Trump. He's proven each and every one of them are full of sh!t. And to think he doesn't even take his well earned salary. 


  1. The key is to stop giving handouts. The more handouts the less people feel that they need to do for themselves.

  2. Both sides hate Trump because he is exposing the corruption in Washigton that makes a living out of never getting anything done.

  3. I love Mr. Trump!

    But seriously, how did he do it?
    What did he do that lead to this tremendous drop in Black unemployment?
    Can we trust the government's numbers on unemployment and inflation?

    1. The key is to only trust the government when the numbers work for you. Otherwise, refer to everything as fake news, a swamp, or just try and undermine any organizations that dig up dirt on you

  4. You are assuming they want to work.

  5. @3:50 pm

    +1 on that. How did he do it? Specifically, what did he do that netted those numbers, or is this just dumb luck? I mean, a broken clock has the right time twice a day.... if we assume the numbers are correct, how did Trump make this happen? What policies and actions did this?

  6. Now flip that arrow over to show the massive increase in tax payer funded golf trips


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