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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Plain Truth: We Need Concealed-Carry in Schools - 'Bashing the NRA Isn't Going to Do It'

EIB Network radio host Rush Limbaugh reacted to the tragic school shooting in Broward County, Fla. that left 17 dead and several wounded.

Limbaugh said the solution is not to attack gun rights groups like the Virginia-based National Rifle Association, but instead to recognize what resources are lacking in schools that other public buildings have.

.@rushlimbaugh on #FloridaSchoolShooting and gun control: We have to realize this is what our country has become. Congress can’t legislate this away...It’s the fault of the people doing this and our inability to stop them.

— FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) February 18, 2018

"The solution is concealed-carry in schools," Limbaugh said. "If we are really serious about protecting the kids, we need a mechanism to be defensive when this kind of thing happens."

More herehttp://insider.foxnews.com/2018/02/18/rush-limbaugh-fox-news-sunday-florida-school-shooting-stop-bashing-nra-concealed-carry


  1. Ask yourself how do the liberal politicians protect themselves? Most have carry permits and or armed security. Now ask yourself why they feel your kids and family don't deserve the same protection. Votes thats why.

  2. The truth is the good people have to go thru all the chains to be legal and do the right thing to protect ourselves but even if they do away with all of the the criminal are still going to buy guns just like they have always bought drugs people sell guns under the table too so my theory is give all law abiding citizens guns to protect there selves and there surrounding the criminal will think twice

  3. Also if the FBI was doing there job insted of being the liberals lap dogs maby they could have for once done something useful.

  4. I think there are enough FBI agents that they could have been looking into the Florida shooter. Not everyone in the agency is assigned to investigate Russia.

  5. Most teachers can't handle the out of control students and you want there to be a gun in the room. How long before Dayquan and Tyreese take it from a teacher?

  6. It's the only "Common sense" thing to do. If a shooter thinks he will meet immediate armed resistance when entering a school with firearms, he will think twice about his plan, and may just not do the deed at all.

  7. So you have several teachers with some handgun training and a CCW in a school. They don't regularly shoot at a range (weekly) and they have never done realistic simulated live fire training where they are stressed and must determine between friend/foe targets that are shooting back. Nah, nothing can go wrong there. Think about most of the teachers you know. Want them with a loaded semi-auto handgun in a room with your kids? How about Jim Ireton, he's a teacher?

  8. Obviously there would be training. It might also cut down on some of the student thuggery. Democrats made children fish in a barrel with their gun free zones, they knew full well what would happen in a matter of time. Of course their mission is to disarm america. Democrats {communist} plan on forcing the USA to submit to the new world order. NONE of their gun laws are aimed at stopping crime.

  9. Hell yeah especially if some nut is in the Hall trying to kill my children....take what I can get until law enforcement arrives!!!

  10. Can you imagine how much it will cost to pay teachers to train, pay for the training, paying for biometric safes for each classroom and the liability issues? Who is going to pay for this?

  11. Yes teacher's should have the right to carry. I belive it is the Best option.

  12. I carry and have been for many years . I have that right , I refuse to die because our legal system is corrupt.

  13. This is hilarious. Every post about teachers on this blog complains how liberal they are. Now you want them to be gun toting saviors. I'm sure they are lined up to volunteer for this duty.

  14. While there needs to be a solution for these horrific crimes, arming teachers is not the way. Maybe a small percentage of teachers in our area could handle the responsibility, most imo can not. I would start with securing the schools, adhering to the policy's already in place and not become complacent in unlocking the doors for just anyone. Next, I would put in metal detectors. State and Fed buildings have them, why not schools?

  15. 8:21 idiot how can you put a price on life sure you got a lot of friends

  16. I can go up to WiHi any time and stand at the door and a student inside will push the panic bar to let me in.

    Arm the teachers who want to be armed. They have all summer to train and can brush up once a month at the Sheriff's shooting range.

    Stop being stupid.


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