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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Philadelphia aims to become first US city to legalize safe injection sites

Some Philadelphia officials want to make history by pushing an effort to make the city the first in the U.S. to allow drug users to shoot up at a medically supervised facility.

The city overdose-related deaths peaked last year to about 1,200. And city health officials want to cut down on the overdoses and deaths through this unique – and controversial – approach.

“We haven’t seen a public health emergency like this in the last century,” said Thomas Farley, Health Commissioner for Philadelphia. “It’s time for us to rethink our assumptions, and consider options we hadn’t seen before.

Unlike similar efforts by other cities, the injection sites would not need City Council approval because they would be privately run.




  1. how considerate to offer safe places to inject yourself with poison

  2. Good, bus all the drug addicts there, clearly your competing with Chicago for the race down the toilet.

  3. Yeah and Jim Jones has a new safe drinking area.

  4. So I guess assisted suicide is legal now

  5. It's not as though it isn't done elsewhere in the world.

  6. Well let's hope the citizens don't find it necessary to CELEBRATE this decision!

  7. Montgomery Village used to be a great place to live. Then the section 8 and illegals came.

  8. 7:01 if the druggies start dropping like flies I'll damn sure CELEBRATE.


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