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Monday, February 05, 2018

Pelosi: Nunes Memo Could Lead to 'Constitutional Crisis'

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi warned the release of a previously classified Republican memo that alleges abuse by the FBI and Justice Department could lead to a "constitutional crisis," CBS Chicago reported Friday.

"It's appalling. It's a misrepresentation. It isn't even a release of intelligence material. It's a release of a distortion of it. Its purpose is, of course, to thwart the Mueller investigation," Pelosi said Friday. "If the president uses this fake, horrible release of distorted intelligence as an excuse to fire [deputy attorney general Rod] Rosenstein or [special counsel Robert] Mueller, it could lead to a constitutional crisis."

More drama


  1. Oh, Nancy, you have a doom and gloom line for whichever way the wind blows.

  2. Bob Aswell....Not FooledFebruary 5, 2018 at 12:59 PM

    For Gods' sake, am I the ONLY person who knows Pelosi and Shummer are a couple of head cases?? Someday they'll learn theatrics WON'T win elections. Starting with the Kennedy years the Dems looked for a sure-fire way to stay in power forever and they thought they had it till Lyndon & Ladybird got greedy. The notion was if we give the minority on-going money they'll vote for us no matter what. Unbeknownst to them in order for this theology to flourish it takes MONEY. Everyone but them knows tax money is the most available when economic times are the best. Wow, they couldn't understand why the money WASN'T there and therein lies the problem. They're so far behind economics is Greek to them and promises won't get it. Insofar as the voters...Well he who pays the piper calls the tune. Trump was elected by SOME Dumbocrats too. So their NEW anthem is to cloud the screw-up they and their ancestor Dems have made. Now regardless of how lame your mind is the lesson is PEOPLE THINK WITH THEIR WALLETS. The payola is OVER and now they're crippled. They CAN'T talk common sense to their electorate because they want to NOT WORK, ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY, or realize Trump has done the things they CAN'T.
    They don't FOOL me. Bob Aswell

    1. Good comment. You are not alone in your analysis.

  3. This is seriously going to dig into someones pocket & plays directly into Federal employee downsizing in a major way.This Trump is one heck of a chess player,but he's predictable because he only has the best of intentions.

  4. The Only Crisis in this country is Pelosi and her Demon
    Buddies Shumer & Shiff !!!

    Need New Laws so they can Be Removed from Congress along
    with their other Deadbeats !!! And Not wait until election
    time !!!

  5. Everywere else except Govt > if you Don't Do your Job

    You are FIRED & it needs to start being that way There too!!

  6. As long as these Deadbeats can't be immediatley Fired,
    then , they ARE above the Law the rest of us have to live by ...........
    JUst because they are Elected , should not mean they can't
    be REMOVED & REPLACED !! Before the next elections !!!

  7. 2 Term Limits too are Very important for ALL of congress &
    the Supreme Court < Priority One !!!

    None of them are Supreme to any of us, and they are no better than the POTUS position , if it goes for him ,it
    should go for THem tooo ......then they can say ME TOO !!!

  8. 2 terms to get Rid of the Germs !!! LOL

  9. Looks like she was Hung Over from her exotic jet plane
    trip !!


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