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Friday, February 09, 2018

Parkside Incident

Joe, the incident at Parkside makes the 3rd “near miss” this week in Wicomico County schools. I have not heard the rest of the story on the Parkside incident however a police response at that level is significant. I keep thinking is the county doing enough? Is Wicomico County prepared for a “Critical Incident” at one of our schools or simultaneously events at multiple schools? The CDC reports that 90% of schools in the US have an “Active Killer Event” policy in place that is “drilled”, “hot washed” and refined/improved on a regular basis “the CDC found nearly 90 percent of public schools had a written plan for responding to school shootings, and 70 percent of those schools had drilled students on the plan” . Wicomico County schools conduct fire drills on a monthly basis. History tells us there has not been a fatal fire in a US school since 1958. When fire drills are conducted in the county schools there is no use technology to determine the appropriate escape route so, month after month a potentially deadly escape route is being committed to muscle memory by both the students and the staff. Below is a recommended preparedness guide that was created by FEMA in response to the tragic events occurring in our public schools. In just the first 32 days of this year there was some type of significant “Hostile Event” with firearms in 12 US schools.

I felt compelled to send you this information because so much is at stake. One of the comments on your site was parents were in the dark. FEMA/DHS created “guidance/best practices” on ways to leverage social media to keep the public informed during a critical incident as well as mining social media “Open Source Intelligence Gathering” for clues that a significant event may be in the planning or near execution stage.

I pray that we never have a serious event in one of our schools however I worry that if we do, we will not be prepared to respond. The CDC quote come from Campus Magazine.


  1. So what exactly happened?

  2. They won't be prepared because the lying WCBOE would first have to admit there is a problem.

  3. 3rd? What were the other 2?

    I can not stand their lack of transparency when it comes to school climate.

  4. As a retire teacher from this county, my only comment is, "if you want to improve the conditions, change the "climate" or know what is really going on" - get involved. The county schools are open to everyone. You do not need special permission to enter. If you want to "test the climate" go to the schools and see for yourself. Yes, the BOE is in the business of covering their backsides, but if enough citizens take the time to go to the schools see what is actually going on (as opposed to sitting a home, listening to rumors and passing judgement) we, as a community, might be able to change the "future", because tragedy is in our future if we don't decide it's not!!!

  5. "... The county schools are open to everyone. You do not need special permission to enter...."

    I find this VERY hard to believe.

  6. Anonymous said...
    "... The county schools are open to everyone. You do not need special permission to enter...."

    I find this VERY hard to believe.

    February 9, 2018 at 8:21 PM

    Is that why the doors are locked and you have to be buzzed in?

    1. Everyone gets buzzed in. Try it at any school.

  7. @5:42 PM What is a "retire school teacher?"

  8. 8:21 Incredible & untrue
    5:42 as a teacher, hopefully those errors in your post are typos and NOT grammatical.

  9. it was a fight between a couple of students. big police response but then can't blame boe or the police. Maybe just maybe we ought to be looking at the parent? juvie? and move them to a more structured program like say prison? fine the parent and start taking away some of their social benefits since they haven't taught their progeny to be socially productive!

  10. Security in the schools is a joke. Kids prop doors open and let their friends or anybody in. Brand New schools have been built and no metal detectors were installed. The office ladies joke about the ridiculous body armor clipboards they've been given. The Justice department and they reverse racists have taken any and all power away from the board and the sheriff's department. The kids have no upbringing, not all of course. The worst thing that I ever heard was at the WCBOE kickoff a couple years back, when the head of school security for the whole county said "we will experience a school shooting, it is just a matter of time."

  11. A fight is not a near miss.


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