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Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Nunes Trolls CNN Reporter On Memo: ‘Democracy Dies In Darkness, My Friend'

House Intel Committee Chairman repurposes WaPo’s tagline

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) dismissed a CNN reporter by invoking the Washington Post’s cringeworthy tagline, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

CNN reporter Manu Raju caught up to Nunes at Capitol Hill to ask him about the White House’s role in crafting the newly declassified FISA memo.

“Democracy dies in darkness, my friend. Get to work,” Nunes replied.

The California congressman was referring to The Washington Post’s now-infamous tagline:



  1. “Democracy Dies in Darkness” didn't work for the Post when it was pointed out that the darkness was spilling from its own doors.

  2. Somebody needs to tell our local TV and so called news paper that.

  3. (Rogue) Americans are interfering with our elections and blaming it on the Russians. Further, McAillife from Virginia is giving McCabe's wife cash. The pee pee people are giving Ohr's wife money, FBI management is giving McCable a $1.8M pension, and Obama gave Iran a pallet full of untraceable cash. I'll be Blagovich is taking gas sitting in prison watching Obama out cheat him.

  4. Democracy dies in darkness, and Jeff Bezos is shutting off the lights.

  5. Does this speak to the Dark State? 🤔


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