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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Nolte: Catastrophic Law Enforcement Failures Abound as MSM Target NRA for Parkland School Massacre

Anyone looking for proof that the disgraced American media could not care less about dead children need only take a few minutes to survey the various national news platforms. While the jaw-dropping list of local and federal law enforcement failures continues to mount, all of our corrupt media’s energy is focused on blaming the completely innocent NRA for Wednesday’s school-shooting massacre.

All the way back in September, the FBI was informed that a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz was publicly bragging about wanting to become a “professional school shooter.” On Wednesday, a guy named Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people in a Florida high school.

The FBI admits they received this tip but claims that even though they had the shooter’s real name they could not track him down. Google owns YouTube, and yet we are supposed to believe that the combined resources of Google and the FBI did not develop into a lead?

And here is where the FBI’s excuse becomes paper thin and the failure of local law enforcement even more indefensible…



  1. Democrats need to stop lying and tell everyone they want to take everyone's guns.

  2. This comment doesn't apply exactly to this post but I feel it's important from another article I read:

    "Oprah Winfrey is doing her part to help end gun violence once and for all.

    After George Clooney and Amal Clooney pledged $500,000 to March for Our Lives—a protest organized by survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting in Parkland, Fla.—the media mogul took to Twitter with a generous announcement."

    This is typical liberal BS, they will spend money for useless BS that won't amount to anything but show that they are useless liberal crud. That money could be spent to really help people in need but for liberals it is all about the cause. If they want to really change the law get a bill put in congress to repeal the second amendment. It won't pass and it won't happen. So either live with it or go set up your own country somewhere. But they won't because they know they are living the good life in the Good Old USA and they can't live a better life anywhere else.


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