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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Navy Hospital Ship Deploys to Southeast Asia to Provide Medical Aid

The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy has deployed to southeast Asia as part of the 13th Pacific Partnership mission to provide medical services to local populations.

The U.S. Navy vessel left her home port in San Diego on Friday and will visit Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam through June "to provide medical, dental, veterinary, public health services, engineering, and disaster response to host countries who have invited the ship to visit and provide services to the local population," according to the Department of Defense.

Mercy will also visit Japan while heading back to San Diego.

Navy Rear Adm. Don Gabrielson, commander of Task Force 73, stressed the importance of the Pacific Partnership mission..


  1. Will they stop at "China's" brand new islands?

    I mean, the Chinese have claimed almost the entire Pacific, so...

  2. Great ship, great crew, great mission. Smooth sailing!

  3. But how can such an awful oppressive country provide this type of service?

  4. While we have a healthcare crisis in this country... America first.

    1. They are looking for a cure for liberalism

  5. 552
    By taxing the daylights out of its citizens.
    That's how.

  6. 12:33 More like spending money the government doesn't have. That is why the deficit will never go away.

  7. SO we go there but not Puerto Rico? American citizens


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