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Monday, February 26, 2018

More U.S. Companies Bow to Social-Media Pressure, Sever NRA Ties

Several companies have cut ties to the National Rifle Association after consumers took to social media to voice outrage against the gun lobby, days after a Florida high-school shooting left 17 people dead.

Insurance giants Chubb Ltd. and MetLife, cyber-security company Symantec Corp., and Enterprise Holdings, which operates the Enterprise, Alamo and National rental-car chains, were among those that said they would end partnerships with the NRA.

Saturday, both Delta Air Lines Inc. and United Airlines, a unit of United Continental Holdings Inc., ended their discount travel programs with the organization. The airlines also asked the NRA to remove their information from its website.

In recent years, companies and their leaders have become vocal on issues such as transgenderism, immigration policy and gay rights. Amazon.com Inc.’s Jeff Bezos last month granted $33 million in college scholarships for illegal immigrant high-school graduates in the U.S. In the aftermath of North Carolina’s now-repealed “bathroom bill,” which required transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their birth sex, companies including PayPal Holdings Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, and Adidas AG scuttled or froze plans to add jobs in the state.



  1. and I will boycott those companies. When my Norton subscription expires, I won't be renewing. To start with.

  2. Amazon needs to remove Georgia as a possible location for their new facility in light of the Lt. Governors move on Delta

  3. And I will Not use there services either.Hertz Avis simplisafe.ect

  4. BUT, read the Lt Gov's stance.....he will block legislation that would have saved Delta millions of dollars in fuel tax. I would agree with him, punish these knee jerk reactions. This is NOT the fault of NRA and it's not the fault of any gun, it's the people pulling the trigger. We don't ban cars for having fatal traffic crashes, we don't ban airplanes for falling out of the sky, and we shouldn't blame guns.........get it right America.

  5. At least we know who the SnowFlake companies are
    Just don't use them or their services

  6. Well said 11:07
    I too will boycott the companies who bow to social media pressure....Chubb Ltd, MetLife,Symantec Corp, Enterprise, Alamo, National Rental Cars, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines.
    If any other companies bow then I too shall bow...out!

  7. 8:03 I agree Amazon should forget about Georgia. They are more of the dishonesty creating illusions to make you people feel all warm and fuzzy and you are such an ignoramus you fall for it. No they don't sell firearms but they sell everything else to train and equip a future school shooter including and not limited to holsters, targets, combat vests/bullet proof vests, tactical gear. Yep everything else a shooter needs to be success. But you imbeciles cheer them because you are so stupid and have allowed yourself to believe they are against firearms.

  8. I would do away with Norton as well but it's free with Commi-cast.


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