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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Meet the Lawyer Suing Jeff Sessions to End Cannabis Prohibition

Last week, in a lawsuit that could put an end to federal cannabis prohibition, a federal judge in New York acknowledged the healing potential of medical marijuana. “It’s saved a life,” he said, referring to a Colorado girl with epilepsy. “She has no more epileptic seizures.”

The judge then turned to lawyers for the federal government, who have argued that cannabis is a dangerous drug with no accepted medical benefit. “If there is an accepted medical use,” he told them, “your argument doesn’t hold.”

The case of Washington v. Sessions has generated great interest. Five plaintiffs, including former NFL player Marvin Washington; 12-year-old Colorado medical refugee Alexis Bortell; youngster Jagger Cotte; US military veteran Jose Belen; and the Cannabis Cultural Association, a nonprofit that helps people of color benefit from cannabis in states where it’s legal, have challenged the constitutionality of the classification of marijuana under the federal Controlled Substances Act. The case, filed in 2017, finally received its first hearing in federal court last week, when US District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein heard the federal government argue for the case’s dismissal.



  1. It's been a medicine with a list of uses for over 2,000 years. The U.S. government showed its duplicity when it put a small number of people on a prescription (they even filled it), thereby admitting that the substance had medical applications. Now that the lid has blown off the preposterous claims that started in the 1930's, and medical use is becoming commonplace, the gov't needs to pull the Schedule I designation and commit to reasonable policies. By federal law, even those who legally receive cannabis in their home state (or district), are still federal criminals. This has to change.

  2. Sessions is an old fool

  3. Check how much big pharma has donated to his campaign

  4. That's why the stupid stoners I know who spend every free moment of their lives scoring weed and getting stoned - It's saving their lives.

  5. Big problems for the Prison Industrial Complex

  6. The potheads and other idiots are slowely winning.
    Pot smokers are the dumbest people on earth.

    1. Better dumb and docile than stupid and ready to pick a fight at the drop of a hat.

  7. 604
    Do you know any smart people?
    How about any successful people?

    Maybe all of the pot heads you know are dumb, because all the people you know are dumb?

    I know plenty of very intelligent people who enjoy marijuana. You are encountering them but probably don’t know them!

    Seriously. You should open your mind just a tad . . .


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