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Saturday, February 03, 2018

McCain: FISA Memo Serves no American Interests, Only Putin’s

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, attacked the release of the FISA memo, arguing that it does not serve the interests of America, “only Putin’s.”

McCain said in a statement:

"...The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests – no party’s, no president’s, only Putin’s. The American people deserve to know all of the facts surrounding Russia’s ongoing efforts to subvert our democracy, which is why Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation must proceed unimpeded. Our nation’s elected officials, including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him."

More here


  1. The same clown that forwarded the fake dossier to the Feds. Part of the problem, is McCain.

    1. Yep! Messenger boy they call him.

  2. But them memo showed that Putin wasn't involved .

  3. STFU Mccain your voice is dead to me.

  4. Globalist moron, traitor.

  5. mccain and his corrupt treasonous gang of communist progressives are the only ones that tried to subvert our Democracy, and they should ALL be prosecuted and sentenced as such with haste.

  6. His dementia is unfortunate for the Republic for which we stand.

    Probably caused by his meds.

  7. He thinks people still listen to him.
    Or care what he has to say.


  8. 4:21 hit the nail on the head.

    McCain is far from a disinterested party. One of his staff served as a courier for the dossier. He's just a disgrace; hope Arizona's next senator is an actual Republican.

  9. John McCain one of the most corrupt and useless of all the people in power. Such a poor pilot he almost sunk his own Aircraft Carrier and then finally was shot down so he couldn't kill any more US sailors. Then becomes a US Senator and sell his services to the banking industry. Should have been in jail. How this garbage has been allowed to represent our interests is beyond me. Another example of the swamp that is the government.

  10. What memo did he read? Certainly not the same one as the rest of us.

  11. Putin doesn't care. The FBI was found now with pants around the ankles and has no explanation. The judge who issued & renewed the warrant is history. Hillary and Obama I hope will also have to answer for their "collusion" and I hope their answer includes prison or death.

  12. 712-McCain fell for the DNC/Fusion GPS/Steele fake dossier, and passed it onto so far unidentified intelligence sources.

  13. McCain is NOT a good man. NOT a true hero. NOT a true patriot. end of story.


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