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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Maxine Waters Is Giving A National Address On BET After Trump’s State Of The Union

Get your popcorn ready.

One of President Donald Trump’s fiercest critics on Capitol Hill will address the country just after next Tuesday’s State of the Union.

Rep. Maxine Waters, a California Democrat, will speak at the top of a BET News special after Trump delivers the State of the Union, a BET spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. The program, “Angela Rye’s State of the Union,” is part of a broader partnership announced just days ago between the network and the Democratic strategist and political commentator. Rye will executive produce news programs with a sharp focus on issues facing black Americans. The programs will run quarterly, BET said in a release.

The spokesperson said activists and some elected officials will analyze Trump’s first year in office on the program, and will talk about "building black politics and the value of engagement across today’s socio-political landscape." A Democratic source familiar with the production on Friday night told BuzzFeed News that it wasn't immediately clear if the program would air on Tuesday or Wednesday night.



  1. one word, laughable

  2. There's a big difference between being a fierce critic and an ignorant, race-baiting, self promoting loudmouth.

  3. Most of the black community will be watching their phones or video games..the only ones who care are the race baiters and overly PC white liberals. Shes already on her way to becoming a a relic like jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, just a bunch of clowns

  4. She's as dumb as a box of rocks.

  5. All she knows how to say is "impeach 45.' She talks like she has a big turd shoved in her mouth. Blacks love her though. That is why they will forever be chained up in their ghettos with no hope for a better future and nothing will change until they stop voting stupidly.

  6. All this James Brown look-a-like says is "impeach 45"....its all she knows! Should be a short speech!

  7. 9:14 AM - Precisely - good comment!

  8. No thank you. Waste of good popcorn, I'll use it on something worthy.

  9. I'll be going to bed right after the State of the Union Speech

  10. BET is Racist and should be Done away with along with

    The Racist Music Award shows like last nights's Grammys !

    Do Away with Affirmative Action ....Just Reverse Racism !

    Whites need to take America Back ....they have suffered the
    Reverse Racism Long Enough !!! Time for Real Equality

  11. Time for a WET and a Whitish show too !! ......

    Whites in their Own country can't have Anything WHITE ,
    Hell, White is a Bad word nowadays !!!

    But anything Black is OK , well Not with me ........!!!!!

    Time for a NAAWP !!! were is our White Protections ????

  12. Time to Stop Forced Busing Too..........
    Let parents send their kids to whatever school they prefer !

    Not the 60's anymore ...that was 49 years ago !!!

  13. Time to take those Statues Back too ...Stolen from us !!!

  14. She will probably have someone read it to her because we know she can't do that herself.

  15. Should be the funniest thing on T.V. that night. She is ignorant, racist, stupid, criminal, ugly, who needs to just go away.

  16. It's like a Gloria Allred dunked in runny smelly diarrhea.

  17. One (quick) look at Waters dopey face puts her IQ at about 70. Listening to her human-mimic sounds drops it to 60.

  18. Would you like to here some common sense thoughts. Have a listen to these two ladies. They see the democratic party for who and what they stand for. Have you ever heard of Diamond and Silk? Their sisters. Have a listen. Their wonderful. They tell it like it is. They need a larger platform like the Hollywood simpletons have. Their message needs to reach the people that need to hear it. Conservative views are not being heard as they should but instead silenced. Maxine Waters is about spreading hate and misinformation just like the biased liberal propaganda news media and the sad part is the uninformed people fall for it hook line and sinker. The liberal misinformation message is being heard LOUD AND CLEAR all day long. Hope people soon see the light. Elections coming up. We need to protect our way of life and country. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

    1. Love love love Diamond and Silk. They make alot of sense. I'm not saying that just because I am white.

  19. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 29, 2018 at 9:38 PM

    9:14 Amen to that. BET TV is playing race card every time. The script is already planned as this:: Maxine Maxie-Pad" Waters will certainly run her big mouth about racism and to "express" her hate towards Trump. So, if Trump did it, it must be racist. Visiting race baiters Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson will nod in unison and yell for poor blacks to "unite behind us" in plans for another protest/ march/riot. Laughable, but sad because some sheeple and snowflakes would actually believe this crap.SMH!

  20. Racist black people. What if Trey Gowdy gave a speech during Obama's SOTU address on CMT. Blacks would have been rioting in the streets.


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