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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Mattis to Fight Possible Deportation of 'Dreamers' on Active Duty

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday that that he will fight to protect the estimated 800-900 so-called "Dreamers" currently serving on active duty from the possibility of being deported next month.

"We would always stand by one of our own people," Mattis said of the Dreamers in the ranks who could possibly be stripped of their uniforms and deported when the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is set to expire on March 5.

At an off-camera session with Pentagon reporters, Mattis said those non-citizens in the military covered by DACA would only face deportation if they had committed a serious felony or if a federal judge signed a deportation order.

Mattis said he had already conferred with Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and received assurances that anyone who has enlisted in the military and is waiting to report to boot camp, anyone on active duty or in the active reserves or National Guard, or anyone with an honorable discharge will not be deported even if DACA is allowed to expire on March 5.



  1. The law says they are illegal aliens! Non citizens, undocumented and kids are just made up to get votes. In the word DREAMER THE LETTER A IS FOR ALIEN. how hard is it to fill out a citizenship form especially when you been here for 1 to 20 years?? How are the illegals aliens in the military and NOT completing the citizenship form?? 11 million illegals in the USA probably more and WHO do you think they VOTE FOR??

  2. These are the only "Dreamers" that shouldn't be deported since serving is a path to citizenship. That is all 300 or so of them.

    1. No untrue. Citizenship is filling out the application and going through the process.. That is the ONLY PATH.

  3. In the First Place >>> How the Hell did Illegal (Dreamers) get hired by the Military in the First Place ???

    Why, did Not, the idiots who let them join be in Trouble,
    & Why, were they all Not Thrown OUT of the service ???

    Harbouring Illegals & Hiring them should be a Crime !!!

  4. Just another example of Illegals getting American Benefits
    & Jobs , Even being hired by our Military !!! Outragious

    There are LEGAL Americans to hire that need the jobs, that
    are entitled to them & deserve them , yet their place is
    taken up by Illegals , Hired , even by the Damn Govt, who,
    is supposed to be keeping them out of our country !!!!

  5. Come on now..some of you are just ignorant of facts. You can join the military as a Foreigner but must pass entrance tests and security checks first. I have served in the Navy with some and my canadian Dad joined the army and became a naturalized citizen. If they TOOK THE OATH, they deserve to be here and become citizens.
    These are not your regular DACA leeches
    But Americans who put their lives on the line for your ignorance. Some of you on here just told on yourself that you never served your country by making such comments!!

    1. Your example has NOTHING to do with daca. Illegal aliens are illegal. Pure laziness not file for citizenship.

  6. ahh...Trumps circular firing squad continues...I love it!

    1. Hard to believe you voted for Clinton aka crooked Hillary!! To funny. Democrats would vote for a head floating in a bottle if Nancy "the millionaire" told to. Lol.

  7. Heath is running for county exec, so I guess he figures that his support for doubling the mayor's salary will be support for that huge pay raise that has been proposed for the county exec position too.

  8. 1110 the illegals can do the paperwork for the military pass the entrance exam and background but refuse to fill out the most important paperwork in their life and your ok with that?

  9. 11:10 FYI A Legal foreigner is Fine / Not an Illegal
    one !!!!

    Illegals have no Right to be Hired by our Military or Any
    other entity in the good ole U.S.A. !!!

  10. Yep no problem...dreamer, foreigner, why care. They are protecting our country..and when their DUTY IS UP they get sent home unless they complete or at least start the process to becoming a citizen.


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