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Monday, February 19, 2018

Loan Shark Nation: Forcing Our Kids To Choose Between Student Loans And Everything Else

It’s mid-winter, which means millions of high school seniors are winding up their childhoods and planning for what comes next. For many this next stage is college.

But in yet another example of how we baby boomers have rigged the system in our favor at the expense of pretty much everyone else, student loans – barely necessary when most boomers graduated 40 years ago – have become a life-defining problem for our kids and grandkids.

A college degree is now so expensive that for most students it requires massive borrowing. But the starting salary in most fields has risen so slowly that growing numbers of indebted grads can’t reduce – let alone pay off – their loans. From today’s Wall Street Journal:

Jumbo Loans Are New Threat in U.S. Student Debt Market

During the housing boom of the 2000s, jumbo mortgages with very large balances became a flashpoint for a brewing crisis. Now, researchers are zeroing in on a related crack but in the student debt market: very large student loans with balances exceeding $50,000.

A study released Friday by the Brookings Institution finds that most borrowers who left school owing at least $50,000 in student loans in 2010 had failed to pay down any of their debt four years later. Instead, their balances had on average risen by 5% as interest accrued on their debt.

As of 2014 there were about 5 million borrowers with such large loan balances, out of 40 million Americans total with student debt. Large-balance borrowers represented 17% of student borrowers leaving college or grad school in 2014, up from 2% of all borrowers in 1990 after adjusting for inflation. Large-balance borrowers now owe 58% of the nation’s $1.4 trillion in outstanding student debt.


  1. 90% on line may be the answer and also no money wasted on stupid crap like If you are white you are evil or hip hop is real education.

  2. They should have called them mumbo-jumbo mortgages.

  3. "Greeed issss Goooood" Gordon Gekko from movie Wall Street 1987

  4. All college should be FREE so we can ALL go !!!
    Just like Grade schools !!!

  5. We All had to choose between, Loan Poor for college or just
    don't go & pay for everything else !!! LOL

  6. No one saw this coming? You really think these entitlement minded folks think they actually have to pay this back? This is going to be fun to watch. At least with the auto bubble they can repo the vehicle. That is much easier than getting entitled minds to work. Maybe those food boxes will be good motivation after all.


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