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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Little-known Black History Fact

The earliest recorded protest against slavery was by the Quakers in 1688.

Quakers, also known as “The Society of Friends,” have a long history of abolition. But it was four Pennsylvania Friends from Germantown who wrote the initial protest in the 17th century.

They saw the slave trade as a grave injustice against their fellow man and used the Golden Rule to argue against such inhumane treatment; regardless of skin color, “we should do unto others as we would have done onto ourselves.”

In their protest they stated, "Pray, what thing in the world can be done worse towards us, then if men should robb or steal us away, & sell us for slaves to strange Countries, separating housband from their wife and children….”

More here


  1. No matter how you look at it, the Africans of that day were not equal to the white man and many today still are not.

  2. Equal in what way?

    We are all God's children.
    Jesus Christ is our savior.
    Pray for guidance.

  3. 4:29

    You may be correct, but that is NO excuse for slavery.

  4. 4:29 is so correct!
    We have to dumb down our tests to accommodate for their lack of intelligence.

  5. 4:29 is right, you use the "Dumbest Beasts" to do the work. Plow pulling, Ditch digging, brush clearing. It is their lot in life, read the Bible, God says so.


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