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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Kids Use Tech So Much They Can’t Hold A Pencil Anymore

After previous studies claimed that children who overuse mobile devices struggle learning to speak, a group of doctors is now saying young children in the digital generation can’t even hold a pen or pencil anymore.

“Children are not coming into school with the hand strength and dexterity they had 10 years ago,” pediatric occupational therapist Sally Payne told The Guardian. “Children coming into school are being given a pencil but are increasingly not be able to hold it because they don’t have the fundamental movement skills.”

One mother admitted to reporters that she had only given her son hi-tech gadgets to play with; leaving him unprepared for grade school. “When he got to school, they contacted me with their concerns: he was gripping his pencil like cavemen held sticks,” she said.



  1. Dave T: How I wish I could have the time to be on here more to read interesting stories that are abundant here. Thank you again SBY for all that you do. Very interesting story here, but not surprising given the nature of things today. Sad indeed.

  2. I'm sure at one point someone was complaining because children "just couldn't write on slate anymore"

    1. In the 1980s we still had slates for learning letters..lol.

  3. What are they going to do when Russia or Iran wipes out our power grids and they cannot use any of their electronic devices?

  4. Give a thug a pencil and he’ll just stab someone with it.

  5. We need to go back to basics

  6. ....but adults are not suffering from the same inability? Get real !!!

  7. When I started school many decades ago, many children didn't know how to hold a pencil. It's one of the first things teachers have to teach. No digital age back then. Poor teachers (SAR), they have to teach basics.


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