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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Justin Trudeau interrupts woman to tell her to use 'peoplekind' instead of 'mankind' because 'it's more inclusive'

Justin Trudeau has been criticized for interrupting a woman during a town hall to tell her to use the term 'peoplekind' instead of 'mankind.'

The Canadian Prime Minister was hosting a Q&A at MacEwan University in Edmonton on Thursday, the latest stop on a cross-country tour that began last month.

Aimee, from the World Mission Society Church of God, a controversial feminist church founded in South Korea, stood to ask a question about volunteering.

Canadian regulations place restrictions on volunteering with religious organizations, and the young woman wanted Trudeau to make it easier for her church to do volunteer work.



  1. I knew this would end up on this blog lol. He was joking around

    1. Really? Canada doesn't have free speech! and recently under his rule speech was restricted again. did you hear is answer about fighting isis? That's because he did not give one.

  2. 6:40. He was hardly joking. He is a tool.

    1. He's prime minister of a country and you are...a nobody from the armpit of America

    2. Ah but the internet gives everyone a voice. Even these idiots

    3. Calm down Jethro

  3. So menstruation is now kindstration? Herpes is now kindpes? This will take some getting used to.


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