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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Job fair this Saturday

Acme is having a Job Fair


12pm to 5pm

Open Positions:




Overnight Stocker

Parcel Pickup




Apply online prior to Saturday


  1. So you see this Welfare peeps ?

  2. Jobs, jobs, jobs.....its not a lack of jobs.....its a lack of qualified workers, have to pass urine analysis to qualify, knocks out 2/3rds of EBT recipients in Wicomico County!

  3. If they treated their people well and paid them well enough, they wouldn't have so many open positions.

  4. Does this mean a lot of the old Giant employees left because they don't like Acme?

  5. As a white person have no chance of being hired. I'm bottom of the list. #lovemore

  6. Acme is nothing like Giant. Workers and staff are not the same. Customer service has suffered and the prices are outrageous. The Acme is Easton is much much better and offers better selection and better customer service. Salisbury needs better and deserves better. Very little choice, when you consider it's only Food Lion, Walmart or Acme. I go to Annapolis once a month to shop at Trader Joe's.

  7. Their are jobs out their, it's the lazy want to sit on your ass people waiting for their unemployment and government checks who won't apply. Why work when you can get money for nothing! That is why illegal aliens get all the jobs, they take ANY income they can get! Lazy American workers want high wages without any skills. Don't blame ACME, blame our lazy society.

  8. 12:54 PM - you'll never know until you apply.

  9. 2:46 PM ha ha ha most ignorant rant I have heard all day. Yea how dare those lazy americans expect a livable wage from a billion dollar corporation. Heck next they will be expecting sick pay and healthcare!! HOW DARE THEY !

  10. How times have changed. I remember a black school teacher who's wife was also a school teacher that stepped and fetched and bagged groceries part time at the Giant. Full timers were Union and mostly white and he was grinning all the way to the bank. It was a time when any kind of work you could get to better your position or families didn't matter. Your assumed worth and station in life didn't stop you from making whatever you could however you could for as long as it took or as little as you " relaxed " at home watched tv or pursued leisure. People use to have GRIT bust and pinch pennies and save and not live above their means with cars and eating out all the time LOL there was no where to eat out. Now everyone is in a debt cycle just like the nation and I fear they prefer it that way. If we were all fiscally responsible we would make greater demands on THEM but we figure I guess oh well if they are not worried about trillions what should I be worried about.

  11. 6:37 Get real. Farmers don't get sick days and free health care. Small business entrepreneurs don't get sick days and free health care. Hunter/Gatherers didn't get sick days or free health care. Corporations don't owe any individual anything. They compete for the workers they need by offering benefits and wages to attract the type of workers they need. If it wasn't for businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit of the people that create them then we would all still be hunter/gatherers with a life expectancy of less than 30 years. I dare say 75% of the worlds population would not exist except for the development of the business world.

    People need to get their heads out of the clouds and appreciate the country we live in. Even the poorest 1% in this country have a better standard of living than 80% of the worlds population.

  12. 7:33 PM Funny - The farmer I worked for barely showed up for work because he hired a bunch of illegals to do the work and of course he did not pay them overtime as he legally was obliged to and never offered them any benefits. Your rainbows and butterflies rant doesn't quite equal the reality of what is going on in the real world.

    Nice try but a colossal fail.

    Fact is if people never fought for their rights we would still be dying in sweat shops. Maybe do a bit of research before you go blathering on.

    Farmers would be nowhere without their employees. Same with other so called small businesses. If it weren't for us poor peons people like YOU would have nothing.
    So yea - you owe me because I and all those other employees are the reason your business is successful and you are living in your little McMansion.

    Ignorant and Greedy - we will scribe it on your headstone.

  13. 8:09 The world owes you nothing. If you want to get rich start your own business. Otherwise grow up you little whiner. People like you are a dime a dozen that is why you only make a dime because you are only worth a dime.

  14. 8:09 People like you are not even a penny a dozen! We can all see that you really HATE YOURSELF.


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