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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jeff Sessions Addresses Sheriffs: Media, Democrats Imply He's a Racist for Mentioning 'Anglo-American' Legal Tradition

Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed the National Sheriffs’ Association on combating the opioid epidemic Monday, only for the left to make headlines from his calling sheriffs “a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement.”

As part of his ongoing speaking tour about the raging crisis of opioid addiction that is now one of America’s leading causes of death, Sessions joined the Sheriffs’ Association’s Winter Legislative and Technology Conference at Washington, DC’s J.W. Marriott hotel. With more than 40,000 Americans succumbing to opioid overdose in 2016 alone, efforts to bring the demographic scale carnage under control are a top priority in Sessions’s Department of Justice (DOJ).

Sessions spoke to the sheriffs and other law enforcement officials for around ten minutes, focusing on his common themes of the toll of drug abuse, its links to violent crime, and the need to reinforce the rule of law to bring rising crime rates under control. In his prepared remarks, for example, he said:

But as we all know, violent crime statistics and drug overdose rates are not numbers — we’re talking about moms, dads, daughters, spouses, friends, and neighbors.



  1. No concern of yours.Out of your hands.

  2. Meanwhile, its BLACK LIVES MATTER WEEK in public skools.......


  3. Almost everything a white republican does is called 'racist' in some way or another. Doesn't matter what it is (or is not..)

    But that is fine. It is SO overused that even an idiot can see what they're doing. Just name-calling. Like schoolyard brats.

  4. So, we can't call it Anglo-American legal system even thought it was created by Anglo-Americans?

    I don't care for Mr. Sessions, but . . . Wow.


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