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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Ivanka Brought Democrat Agenda to Washington, Surprised Actual Democrats Won't Work with Her

First daughter Ivanka Trump has turned to conservatives to make a deal to pass a series of policies that are straight from the Democratic Party’s playbook, since she discovered that the Democrats are more focused on passing their own agenda than doing what is best for the country.

“I’m no longer surprised,” Ivanka Trump told USA Today about discovering first-hand the reality that Democrats would not work with her because they are more focused on passing their own agenda than doing what is best for the country. “I think that there are always people that will not move off of their talking points and then there are a lot of people who will,” Trump said. “You have to find the people who will; that’s how you build coalitions.”

According to USA Today:

Ivanka Trump showed up in Washington last year with a to-do list of policies straight from the Democratic Party playbook. The president’s daughter — a former Democratic donor — wanted the administration to tackle paid family leave, equal pay for women and affordable childcare.

She thought Democrats would join her in trying to move the agenda forward — after all, these were issues they had been championing for years and the president had just campaigned on some of them. But Democrats said her plan did not go far enough and while still discussing the issues with her, they have largely avoided teaming up with her. So the former businesswoman has turned to conservatives to try to make a deal.



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