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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It's the Culture, Not the Guns

Last Wednesday, Andrew Pollack was photographed while searching for his daughter, Meadow, who was a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Tragically, he learned Meadow was one of the 17 murder victims.

A parent’s worst nightmare, eliciting an avalanche of sympathy? No, Pollack was shown wearing a “Trump 2020” T-shirt. Apparently nothing else mattered.

“He’s a pro-Trump guy which means he supports the guy who is responsible for the death of his child!!” tweeted iMO@_sheateher. “I don’t feel sorry for him and f—k trump,” stated Walterlee@eastsidedogg. “Maybe he should have thought twice before voting for #TerroristTrump,” added #TrumpforPrison@SolRyaz.

These twisted souls were hardly an anomaly. Trump is “obviously mentally ill,” according to TV host Jimmy Kimmel, who joined a chorus of other hate-filled leftists promoting pure propaganda.

Leftists also pushed a bogus assertion by Everytown for Gun Safety, Michael Bloomberg’s rabidly anti-gun group, stating the Parkland mass murder was the 18th shooting on a school campus in America since the start of this year. Even The Washington Post was forced to concede that was “flat wrong,” because it included instances such as a man shooting a BB gun at a bus window, a student in a criminal justice club accidentally shooting a peace officer’s real gun instead of a training gun at a target on a classroom wall, and gunshots that were fired from somewhere outside of Cal State San Bernardino, all of which resulted in no injuries.

As always, leftists want to restrict the entire conversation to gun control. And as always, none of them can name a single new law that would prevent a tragedy like this.

What might? Ramping down leftist hate. Ever since the election, those who profess to own the franchise on tolerance have not only been utterly deranged, but increasingly proud of being so.

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  1. What is to be expected of democrats. They are evil. Proof is in the democrat platform. It is the doctrine of satan. The worst are those who lie and say they are democrats AND Christians. No such thing. REAL Christians don't promote the killing of babies and the perversions that the democrats do. they can fool themselves all day long and lie and say they are Christians but God sees what is really in their evil ugly dark hearts and He has already a place picked out in hell for all of them.

  2. Wow! These liberals are a truly scary bunch.

  3. Sadly enough, they continue to breed, though many abort, because that's a woman's right and a health care issue.

  4. I don't want to sound morbid yet I think this question is legit. Of ALL the news coverage I've seen concerning the shooting I HAVEN'T heard one word of ANY action instituted by the PARENTS. Nor have I heard the comments that would be apologetic to the survivors either. This seems odd to me in the respect....Who knows ones character or idiosyncrasies more than the ones you live with. Even realizing the family unit bond its hard for me to fathom one could suspect their son
    of capability to commit murder, not being mentally cognizant of the gravity of such an act, allowing him to purchase an assault weapon, and NOT telling the local P.D. of the chance and probability is in itself a crime. I couldn't and wouldn't stand by and remain silent until the stage was set and the act close on the horizon for innocents to be slaughtered even if he WAS my son. The fault was not GUNS,BULLYING, HARASSMENT or other reasons yet to be announced. IT WAS POOR PARENTAL GUIDENCE and ignoring the indicators of a powder keg
    with the fuse inserted yet not lit.
    It's easy to assign blame and I think the Government IS remiss in allowing a deadly weapon to fall in the hands of a mentally challenged juvenile mind and allowing him to legally possess an implement of destruction to be a facilitator in a murder. Yet, why didn't the parents elect to have him disarmed by the authorities???
    I am a veteran and have experience and first hand knowledge of carnage that scarred my 19 year old psyche and a police officer who wondered constantly why certain people are allowed to do things for which they are not held accountable. Like Dorothy was told in the Wizard of Oz....A good place to start is at the beginning.
    Bob Aswell....Realist

  5. 10:01 It is so sad that you have not evolved to a point of being able to accept that not every person must believe in the same beliefs as you and that they have no value if they don't. The inability to have an open mind and accept others is part of why this area is stuck in an economic void with no hope of recovery.

  6. Its the intelligence agencies, not the actors.

    all of the shootings are done by intelligence assets and dupes

  7. This shooting is no more Trump's fault than it is Bush's.


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