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Friday, February 09, 2018

Illegal immigrant deported 44 times in 15 years tops feds' list

He is the world’s most persistent illegal immigrant: One Mexican managed to get deported 44 times in 15 years — which means he also managed to sneak back across the border at least that many times.

The runner-up was ousted 40 times from 2001 to 2015. No. 3, 4 and 5 on the list were deported 35, 34 and 31 times, respectively, according to data provided to The Washington Times by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

While those are the most extreme cases, repeat-illegal immigrants were back in the news this week after police said a twice-deported man was driving drunk in Indiana on Sunday morning when he plowed into pro football player Edwin Jackson and his Uber driver, killing them both.

President Trump tweeted about the “disgraceful” death and called the killing “one of many such preventable tragedies.”



  1. ICE and Homeland Security should give him a job.

    1. The city governor won't let ICE do their job. Sanctuary cities! The mayor's or governor s should be deported. Turkey sounds good.

  2. I vote for 3 times and you're out. The third time you're caught we execute you.

    1. Agreed, except I would lower it to 2 strikes you're out. This problem would evaporate almost overnight.

  3. Any other country you would be jailed or shot. What other country would you be offered. Food Stamps,Medical,Tax Free Loans etc. We have done this to ourselves. And its not just the Mexican's. We have made ourselves a minority in our own country.

  4. This is absolutely ridiculous. Reminds me of the repeat offending drunk drivers

  5. It's ok, he's Nancy Pelosi s gardener. Plus he voted for her 25 times in the last election.

    1. Wouldn't it be nice to see Nancy house just like the dreamer with dark skin that she mentioned. I bet my house would fit in her living room. Out of touch Nancy.

  6. Be no repeat if after 3rd. time he dies in the desert. Loads of sand and miles of nothing to bury him in.

  7. And yet the dems don't want a wall unless it is around their home. (map)


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