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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How Lincoln Changed the World in Two Minutes


  1. The battle still goes on because our goverment has lost its way. It is no longer for the people and in many ways by the people. Draining the swamp is just the beginning to save this once great country. We the people are also responsible to hold them accountable, by locking them up and voting them out. Time to put God back into our lives and get big goverment out.

  2. 5:18 there are many true and loyal Americans who are not particularly religious(myself included)who would give their lives to save the US from those who would destroy this great nation. President Trump is the first leader in modern times that really wants to preserve this country and restore it to its former glory.

  3. Shame he was killed before his vision for this country was completed. He was going to move freed slaves to other continents. Just think how Great America would have been with less blacks involved in crime, and on the dole.

  4. If you are willing to give your life for America then you my friend, are in fact very religious.

    You are worshipping a government.

    Good luck with that sir.


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