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Friday, February 23, 2018

House Republicans launch 'Phase 2' of Trump dossier probe

House Intelligence Committee Republicans have launched “Phase 2” of their probe into the origins of the unverified anti-Trump dossier, firing off an inquiry to a host of current and former officials -- including former FBI Director James Comey.

In a letter obtained by Fox News, committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., posed a string of dossier-related questions to current and former intelligence, law enforcement and State Department officials. He specifically wants to know when they learned the document was funded by Democratic sources, and how it was used to obtain one or more surveillance warrants at the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

In the Feb. 20-dated letter, Nunes even threatened to issue subpoenas.

"If you do not provide timely answers on a voluntary basis, the Committee will initiate compulsory process,” he wrote.




  1. Very cool, Joe! Thanks!

  2. I hope they look into John McCain's involvement

  3. Tell the enemy what you're going to do, and give them all the time they need to destroy evidence and cover up. Yeah, right. Our inept congress is powerless except for passing laws against us, and laws that benefit THEM.


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