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Tuesday, February 27, 2018



  1. I’d like to see what led up to it for context but still wrong.

  2. Security card did not push him to fall the person was drunk. These people with cell phones are ridiculous. This is why crime is going up and actual law enforcement is not engaging... Go to work wear blinders and go home alive.

    1. 8:40 The person may have been drunk but he is also very old. There was no reason whatsoever for the security guard (and I'm using that term loosely) to be so aggressive. And if you think different you're pathetic just like that fat arse guard 🙄

  3. 7:49 None, cops don't get charges even when they break the law!!!!! You will find that out very soon and probably the hard way... Hell they never violate policy even when they actually do so you all wonder why there is a disconnect with the police and the citizens...

    Make cops have to provide their own insurance and lawyers and have to pay out of their own pockets for judgement or settlement against them, not have the city, state or county pay to protect them, then we could see change maybe and that is a big maybe...

    I saw an article where a repeat offender of a cop keeps harassing and abusing people, gets caught every time, and gets him and the city sued... Instead of the city firing the cop, they continue to employ this officer while they keep on having the city sued, and instead of paying the guy that was abused by said cop, they are paying lawyers and fees to defend this cop... So not only will they lose in court, and have to pay judgement, they are paying in excess of 400K or more to defend this cop who will lose in court no matter what... SBY is not the place where this has happened, but I know for a fact the city of SBY would do the same thing, instead of paying medical bills that average 30k they will pay the cops salary and to defend them and to pay out a judgement when they lose all so they don't have to admit they are wrong, but will be proven wrong by a court...

  4. 7:49 neither. They clearly didnt want him there and clearly asked him to leave several times. I saw no less that 3 people that were there to remove him.

    Still. What happened that they wanted him to leave? Something happened. I doubt this guy shows up every day and they throw him out every day.

    Its hard to know what happened. If asked to leave private or even public property your best bet is to leave and resolve the matter after the fact. Even if you are 100% certain about your right to be there, that doesnt mean the arriving officers are going to see it your way, especially if they are responding to a govt building.

    It does not make the treatment of this man justified.

  5. When that guy gets to prison the hard core prisoners will have a ball pounding his fat butt.

  6. Intoxicated individual, had been told to leave the building....I believe he should of left on his own, but, he didn't so the employees did what was necessary! Trouble with videos people only post the after fact.....would like to have seen the 2 minutes BEFORE the point where this video starts.....would probably give a better view of the truth! He didn't listen so he met the sidewalk!

    1. 9:19 Hopefully when you are about 80 someone will help you "meet" the sidewalk.

  7. Damn I heard his head hit the ground. I've heard that sound before and it doesn't typically have a good outcome.

  8. Need more information.

  9. 12:52 if I'm stupid enough to be drunk in a public place after BEING TOLD TO LEAVE....then me to, I deserve it! Thank you for agreeing.

  10. Was he just lest there. Did they call an ambulance. Was it a govt building .This man can probably due and win.

  11. What does redonkolous mean?


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