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Sunday, February 04, 2018



  1. Good question, wait, let me open my telepathic communication channel with my almighty omnipotent being dujour to ask for the favor of an answer. Or as Christians say, pray about it.

  2. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. (Matthew 22:30)

  3. Because it's in the Bible , google it , what happens to marriage after death in the Bible.

  4. Bc there is no god/sky fairy it is all make believe. Dont zap me with your religious rays please! Oh no oh no

  5. everyone needs a break at some point.

  6. Exactly! Just one of a litany of flawed ideologies in yet another (of hundreds) monotheistic religion.

  7. Because when one spouse dies the other is free to marry again. Also comment at 5:17 is correct. Now for all those that want to mock God and Jesus as sky fairies, I can only do like Jesus said on the cross " Forgive them Father for they know not what they do"

  8. my previous comment should have said know not and not no not.

  9. Till death do you part...is FREEDOM!

  10. Because spouses rarely die at the same time! Next question?

  11. 6:37 and 7:53 Why waste your time commenting on something that you don't believe exists?

  12. Agreed with comment 8:21

  13. Death is the big reset button.

  14. I fulfilled all my wedding vows. Now we're just waiting for the other one to die first. Really!

  15. It's because, deep down, no one really believes that nonsense.

    If they did Funerals would be parties, you would not mourn your families losses, you would be upset they got to go first! Death would be something that people wished for... not fought against. No one would go to the doctor for healing... why? what's the point? to prolong this silly precursor to eternity?

    Nope. Deep down, no one believes it, really believes it.

    1. I believe. Otherwise what would be the purpose of even going on living in this day and age hell hole? I would rather believe their is a God and find out their isn't, than not believe and find out their is. ANON


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