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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hillary Clinton Exploits Florida Massacre: 'Remember these feelings in November'

Two-time presidential loser calls on followers to politicize tragedy

With other prominent liberals advocating gun control, it was only a matter of time before Hillary Clinton reared her ugly head.

On Friday the Democrat presidential loser and chronic cougher waded into the gun debate by encouraging lawmakers to infringe on the Second Amendment following Wednesday’s school shooting in Florida.

In a lengthy Twitter screed, Clinton claimed “a majority of Americans support common sense gun reform,” while telling her followers to “remember these feelings in November” during mid-term elections.



  1. guess she has not head SCOTUS decision???

  2. Blah blah blah. Typical democrat all talk no action. And lying. They all lie constantly. Fact is if she and the rest of the lying democrats had really wanted to do something concerning gun control they could have. The first 2 yrs of the lying obama presidency the democrats held congress. They could have passed any laws they wanted but they didn't. They didn't because they need tragedies like this to blame on the Republicans. The unfortunate thing is democrat voters only fall into 3 categories so facts like this either escape them or are ignored. democrat voters are liars, ignoramuses or both. DACA the same. They could have done something permanent for them years ago but didn't. democrats are lying garbage all of them.

  3. I will and I will vote republican!

  4. Notice that she said "a majority", not "the majority".

  5. Let her Run again so she can be a 3 time loser !!!


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