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Monday, February 12, 2018

High School Athletes Respond After Atheists Target Their Game-Time Prayer

Members of an Ohio high school basketball team accused a nonprofit of effectively silencing their customary prayer before games.

Nicholas Pidgeon and Nick Everett of the West Branch School District, and Pidgeon's father, Brooke, said the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) demanded that the district stop praying before games.

FFRF called the prayers "inappropriate and unconstitutional” and said the school "must take immediate action to end the practice of prayer."

Everett said everyone on the team wants to continue to pray.

The elder Pidgeon said the school's sports teams have been praying for 40 years, and that FFRF's protest is something "we're not going to take lightly."

The trio created and printed T-shirts and hoodies that read "Prayer Matters" and began selling them to pay for a possible defense fund if needed.




  1. The school is acting out of step with the law. Being made to comply with the law is not bullying.

    How long someone has been violation the law has zero relevance to the fact that they are violating the law.

    No one is stopping anyone from praying. Every single person praying now, may continue to pray... it just can't be a compulsory school or employee led prayer.

    Christians are not being persecuted. You are not special. When you are being asked to play by the same rules as everyone else you are not being picked on. It seems Christians confuse not being allowed to force their particular brand of religiosity on everyone that somehow that means their being wronged.

  2. You don't have freedom from religion in this country. You have freedom of religion. As long as no one is forced to pray there is nothing illegal or unconstitutional about it.


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