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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Hey Julie Brewington, Put Some Clothes On !

A Viewer Writes: Mr. Albero, Once again, Ms. Brewington proves what an embarrassment she is to Wicomico Republicans. Is there no one else to organize a pro-Trump event to counter the protest on Saturday? She constantly posts things like this then deletes them. But people are watching. This concerned grandmother is watching. Also, sound is screwed up in the beginning but picks back up about a minute and a half into the video. Thank you sir for all you do.

Editors Notes: There is no sound the first minute or so. Part of the way into it her cell phone goes off playing the song, "Let's Get It On"

I have to agree with the person who sent this to me, it's a total embarrassment to the Republican Party. The mere fact that her top is completely open, (purposely unzipped all the way) and flashes the viewers the entire 10 minutes is, well, you fill in the blank. 

If this is how you have to garnish attention, I doubt many will ever take her seriously. 


  1. Wait... She is organizing the counter protest!? I thought that her and Jackie Wellfonder were butt buddies??? Something sounds fishy to me!!!

  2. Is she drunk or on drugs? Has to be one or the other.

    1. I'd be willing to bet it's a combination of pills and booze. She probably thought she was being so smart and cute... yikes! She should really clean up her act.

  3. She appears to be completely either drunk out of her mind or stoned-in speech, mannerisms and her droopy eyes that she can barely keep open. Why didn't she redo the whole thing minus the muted audio and clothing more appropriate for an audience and if she wants to represent the GOP we do dress professionally.
    The OMG is so trite and it's President Trump not Trump!
    Not being mean. Just schooling her in professionalism and sophistication and good taste.

  4. What a waste. I was expecting to see some real utters. There are better shows on an OC bus during the Summer.

    I wonder if she was ever in the German Club at SU?

  5. This is tame compared to the sports illustrated swimsuit issue. Or should I say lack of swimsuits since a lot are topless. Degrading to women and makes me sick!!

    1. How about Victoria secrets show of 12 year olds in sexy clothes. The point is - everything has a time and place. Ms Brewington missed both. Some women use their sexuality to get ahead. But it eventually catches up with you. Your appeal runs out when someone new comes along.

  6. 6:43, While I knew someone would come on here and compare this to a swimsuit, this woman is claiming to represent the Republican Party, President Trump. It is completely out of line. This is not a tryout video for Victoria Secrets.

    1. What’s the problem Ablie..? Trump’s a boob and she’s flashing boobs. Perfect match!

  7. I watched part of the video(about 2 minutes of various parts) without listening to it. She looks like she has been drinking or has taken a lude. What is with the bags under her eyes? Lady wake up and start living a better and healthier lifestyle.

  8. I understand that completely, Joe. I'm sorry, this probably was not the right post to comment on that. It just gets me that modesty is becoming a thing of the past. :-( I do thank you for keeping us informed on things around this town.


  9. I couldn't view but for a moment. Put's me in mind of Nancy Pelosi

  10. In the past, I have been Very active in State and Local politics. Working with great people to keep the Republican Party front and center and working with candidates on a regular basis.

    In recent years, the Republican Party has been hijacked by people I would never work with as they are useless or an embarrassment. So sad to see this happen. I knew there was no way to root the leaders of the party out...

  11. Her an d Welfonder switch parties like I change underwear. Wherever the "look at me" moment is, they are there. "Look at my boobs!" If you ever spent any time around her, she's always trying to catch you looking at what she's showing off. What a whXXX for anything she can be one for.

  12. Let me make myself very clear here. My Wife and I were just reviewing comments and we both agreed. While neither one of us are fans of Julie Brewington, calling ANY woman some of the names you people have been calling her is out of line. IF you want your comments to go through, prove to Julie that you have far more class then she obviously is unwilling to give. If you want to make your points heard and respected, don't go that low.

  13. She has female children that she should be setting an example for. Going online dress like this is not a good example at all.

  14. Good grief. I was in yoga class with her when she posted that afterwards. Have you no shame in your women shaming?

  15. I'd rather see Julie any time than that Molley Likovich. We could have some tattooed witch out there representing the Republican party. It is free speech you know.

  16. Uh, waiter...waiter...waitress - CHECK PLEASE!

  17. The Eastern Shores female Anthony Weiner

  18. Typical Salisbury trash. If you have nothing of value to offer, show some skin. Disgusting made even more so by her trying to be serious while flashing her 3 viewers. This does more harm than good to any cause.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good grief. I was in yoga class with her when she posted that afterwards. Have you no shame in your women shaming?

    February 17, 2017 at 8:41 PM

    Nice range of vocab you got there. Coming out of a yoga class is an acceptable reason for posting such garbage to you? She shamed herself, Joe just shared it. See the difference?

  20. Julie's the Sarah Palin of the Eastern Shore.

    1. What? Sara Palin did nothing of the sort. She was always professional.

  21. I have to ask. Why is a Trump supporter attacking a Trump supporter?

  22. She wants everyone to think she has big boobies.

  23. Listen to that raspy cigarette breath voice! YUK!

  24. Remember when you were calling us Trumptards!! I remember! I haven't forgotten!

  25. That Skank is telling people that she is going to be running for elected office. A real elected office, not the Republican Central Committee.

    Let me think about this. Hmmm... Where does she live? I know where she lives and there is no way she can beat anyone of her current Representatives. Julie, save your time and money because you are going to embarrass yourself again. Remember the last time you got spanked! John Cannon, John Pheobus, and Charles Otto Spanked you big time!

  26. All I hear is babble babble babble!

  27. Zanax and wine does not mix!

  28. Sarah Palin was a huge success she went from the BOE to the governors mansion and did a great job.

  29. Who cares, if you don't like than why did you view it. She may have a buzz going other than that it's all good.

  30. You gotta admit she draws ire.

  31. "The mere fact that her top is completely open, (purposely unzipped all the way) and flashes the viewers the entire 10 minutes is, well, you fill in the blank."

    I choose to fill in the blank with "a brilliant marketing strategy." I was not necessarily conscious of the fact she was not saying anything for the first few minutes, thus providing proof of the level of effectiveness of her presentation.

    Heck, if I'd known this was what being a Republican was all about, I'd have jumped ship from the opposition parties long ago!

  32. aww once again joe don't like someone so makes up bs to attack them. little man with no power! crawl back in your hole!

    1. You're A Moron. There is nothing about that made up. How do you make up a video of someone? Try using that thing about your neck.

  33. 7:50, What an Idiot. It's a video of Julie. I made up NOTHING.

  34. Stop crying. You can see alot more than this at the mall on any given day!

  35. 7:50 wears a poodle skirt and go go boots while he hacks out his hateful comments.

  36. 7:50 - unlike the main stream media which makes up BS attacks on everything Trump does, doesn't do, or should do....Joe is sharing a video posted by the person in it. Joe isn't wrong and clearly you don't get the difference.

  37. I'm a life long Republican and see nothing wrong whatsoever with this video. At least she is trying to make a difference, most of the people on here do nothing but comment and really do nothing to help the cause.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Zanax and wine does not mix!

    February 18, 2017 at 6:34 AM


  39. Melania has some classy photos too.

  40. I'm not here to bitch about black people like the rest of you,I am here just to say this must have been horrible for Ms.Barkley! Not only was she shot,she witnessed the murder of her child.

  41. Joe, I also follow Julie. I cam here to find something because I'm blocked from her page. I searched it on google. Thank you.

  42. Cant sit through this mindless chattering yammer. This woman is obsessed with Booze, hair and the flashdance scene. She talks in utter nonsense and sounds like Betty Boop. Who is she to the Republican party. Ornament? Can't imagine anyone would actually vote for this woman in any real campaign.

  43. 750 it must suck not having a real life so you troll people on blogs. How attractive.

  44. An embarrassment to all women with morals. Just another narcissist.

  45. I don't normally watch lengthy crap of no substance, but wanted to see what all the interest in this subject was. Well I couldn't concentrate do to the constant interruption of pushing the hair out of her face. Don't women have head bands or pins to handle such occurrences? I think it was also distracting to the person trying to speak because there was no train of thought. Sad part is we have voted worst in congress, etc. In summary, it was f'n' brutal to view.

  46. Looks like Julie could use a baret.

    Nothing good ever comes from drunk blogging. It just yields nonsense.

  47. I've been a Republican my entire voting life. I will never get involved in local Republican politics as long as Julie is at the helm. An embarrassment for all. I know many who feel as I do. Such a same that the 'party' puts up with this. NO BACKBONE!!!

  48. Julie received 54 comments. Now 55. Sex sells.

  49. Joe must not go to the beach in the summer if he thinks this is naked, nude, slutty or brazen. You must be a lot of fun at a strip club holier than thou Albero.

    1. Think maybe that's the point dumbass. Real "classy" employees there at 'DA scrip club yo!!

    She's a star !

  51. Not sure what it is but there's something about her I like...Not for political office though.

  52. If you can't postulate a thought, you call names. Very telling of the average local.

    1. How many times are you going to post this same remark on different topics? My next question where and when did you come up with a big word like postulate? If you haven't impressed anyone else I'm sure you impressed yourself

  53. @ 5:21 That is not the average local it's the average newcomer.

  54. 1:33 you were not going to get involved anyway. you would not let anybody stop you. It would be all the more reason to get involved, not to stay away. so face it the truth shall set you free.

  55. and twice on Sunday ...

  56. These old horny men in here drooling over that mess. She really is nasty you losers. She was drunk on her ass at J. Millard Tawes and stopped to talk to me and her nasty cigar breath coming out of her lungs was horrific and the most embarrassing part of this event was when she burped in my face. I almost threw up and had to leave the park because I was sick for the rest of the day.

  57. I'm going to pray for her. It looks to me she is crying out for help. I hope she seeks the heip she truly needs.

  58. Obviously the shore has no worthwhile Republican representation.

  59. There is NOTHING attractive about this mental midget. She has long standing emotional health issues. She has no business representing the conservative ideology .

  60. Great video with the volume turned off

  61. 3:19 Awww, did you need to copy and paste it to google to figure out what it means or could you actually spell it? Some of us read more than comic books and field & stream growing up, which prepared us to get an education beyond high school for dummies (WCBOE). We had some help as our parents didn't punch a time card at work.

  62. Say what you want, the chick is HOT!!


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