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Saturday, February 24, 2018

HEARING ALERT: Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer’s License Fees - Alteration

Important Legislation Reduces Fees For Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturers

Note: Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee to Hold Hearing on SB 311 on February 23, 2018, 1:00 PM
House Economic Matters Committee to Hold Hearing on HB 357 on February 23, 2018, 1:00 PM

“We have had tremendous success with the growth of our breweries, our wineries, and now our distilleries. And the quality of the beer and the wine and the distilled spirits that we’re producing is really fantastic.” - Governor Larry Hogan, November 1, 2017

Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's License Fees - Alterations

Governor Hogan’s Proposed Legislation Alters Licensing Fees For All Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturers In The State To A One-Time Licensing Fee Of $200. “There is a Class 1 distillery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$2,000] $200. There is a Class 9 limited distillery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$500] $200. There is a Class 2 rectifying license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$600] $200. There is a Class 3 winery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$750] $200. There is a Class 4 limited winery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is $200. There is a Class 5 brewery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$1,500] $200. There is a Class 6 pub-brewery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$500] $200. There is a Class 7 micro-brewery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is [$500] $200. There is a Class 8 farm brewery license. The [annual] one-time license fee is $200.” Note: Brackets indicate matter deleted from existing law. (“Senate Bill 311,” Maryland General Assembly, 1/22/18)
According To Analysis From The Department Of Legislative Services Would Save Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturers Nearly $200,000 Annually. “General fund revenues decrease by at least $195,300 annually as existing licensees no longer pay annual license and renewal fees.” (“Senate Bill 311,” Maryland Department Of Legislative Services, 2/20/18)

Governor Hogan Has Eliminated Or Reduced Over 250 Fees Since Taking Office

In 2015, Governor Hogan Eliminated Or Reduced 100 Fees Across State Government, Saving Marylanders $51 Million. “Governor Larry Hogan today delivered on his promise to roll back Maryland’s high fees and put money back into the pockets of hard-working Maryland families and businesses. As part of a process that will begin immediately, eight agencies will reduce or completely eliminate hundreds of individual fees currently levied by Maryland’s government. In total, the Hogan administration announced plans to reduce or eliminate 100 fees across state government, as well as 115 separate fees related to animal health diagnostics at the Department of Agriculture. The Hogan administration will reduce fees paid by Maryland taxpayers by approximately $10.2 million per year, or approximately $51 million over the next five years.” (Press Release, “Governor Hogan Eliminates Or Cuts Fees Statewide, Saving Marylanders $51 Million Over Five Years,” Office Of The Governor, 9/15/15)

In 2016, Governor Hogan Eliminated Or Reduced 155 Fees Across State Government, Saving Marylanders $60 Million. “Governor Larry Hogan today announced 155 fee reductions and eliminations across state government, saving Maryland Businesses and taxpayers over $60 million over the next five years.” (Press Release, “Governor Larry Hogan Announces Additional $60 Million In Fee Cuts,” Office Of The Governor, 5/12/16)

1 comment:

  1. I heard the Gordy Mart near the mall has an expired beer license.
    Any word on that? Talk about good ole boys.


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