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Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Gowdy: The House Intelligence Committee is looking at 5 FBI employees, not the whole bureau

Rep. Trey Gowdy said there might be about five FBI employees whose actions have been suspect in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and the whole bureau should not be attacked.

“I have tremendous respect for the bureau, there are 30,000 employees, let's assume that there are five that engaged in conduct that we have questions about,” Gowdy said on CBS’ “Face The Nation” Sunday.

Gowdy said the partisan tone of the investigation has become a major problem. He said he hopes the release of a four-page memo detailing how the FBI used a controversial dossier compiled on Trump by a political opposition research firm as evidence for a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign adviser is a “one-off.”

“I hope this is a one-off, that Congress takes this position but also hope it's a one-off that a [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] application contains errors and product that is funded by a political opponent. I hope that is a one-off,” he said.



  1. Obama was the biggest mistake. And to think that Hillary might have followed him is frightening.


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