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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Good Question


  1. Because they knew how Bill had Arkansas State Troopers bringing in women for the then Gov. and they also knew about the other 35 women that came forward about him.

  2. 1033 said BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Excellent question. The same goes for all of the pussy-hatted ones that harp on Trump's alleged sexual escapades but forget about Clinton's documented transgressions and his wife's misogynist coverups of his activities.

  4. Right on WHY ??? LOL

  5. Chelsea Can't Hide Daddy's bad History !!!

  6. Because the MSM are tools of the democrat party. Bill Clinton is a rapist and a serial sexual harasser. Hilary Clinton allowed herself to be reduced to nothing more then a slave to a man. She lied and covered up for her rapist husband even to the point of trashing the victims of his brutal sexual assaults. The gross old man was using cigars as sex toys and shot his DNA on a young girls dress and Hilary LIED about this until it was proven it was his semen. She is such a good little slave to men that lying obama chose her for SOS and being the shell of a woman that she is she lied to cover his arse. And the democrats say she is a "strong" woman the nasty foul liars that they all are.

  7. Chelsea barely even knows Mr. Hubbel

  8. Chelsea can say ( ME TOO ) !! LOL

  9. Thay already know and don't want to publicize the answer!

  10. Her father's treatment of women is a part of our nation's history, just like JFK's treatment of women. MSM will never ask the question of Chelsea. She knows, and will shamelessly continue to rise on her parent's tainted coat tails.


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